Page 1 of wharfedale 750 laser

Hardware Forum

wharfedale 750 laser

paul roy (Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 21st March 2001, 15:57

A few weeks ago my wharfedale died- engineer came out and took it away. I keep asking the engineers when it will be fixed and i kept getting the reply that the parts where out of stock. I called wharfedale and their DVD customer services guy said that no more parts would come into the country for the 750 or 750s and i should get a refund and buy the M5- due out in 5 weeks via Tescos. Does anyone have any ideas on how i can get a 750 or should i give it up and buy something else?

RE: wharfedale 750 laser

bear (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 21st March 2001, 16:30

Philips and Sony and I think other brand names have a seven year parts policy ie.. if the product is no longer in production spares will be available for seven years after date production ceased.

I still can get spares for my 1978 Panasonic video , ie head 13 notes cassete lamp 30p, also every Sony make of laser for all there CD players they have ever made (goes for all the brand names to)

So no dont buy the M5 ,I mean what use is it if you can`t get spares for it in 12 months time, another reason to stick to brand names me thinks!

But Wharfdale you would expect better...if only it had been a speaker!

RE: wharfedale 750 laser

Chris Reay (Competent) posted this on Friday, 23rd March 2001, 07:46


You ought to put a shout out to `clayts`, he used to be a trading standards officer and could assist on what consumer law says here.

I`m almost convinced that when someone manufactures electrical or mechanical consumer goods, that they have to offer spares for those products for a set period after the obsolesence of the product.

I`d start a new thread calling for help from clayts if I was you.



RE: wharfedale 750 laser

Spiny Norman (Elite) posted this on Friday, 23rd March 2001, 23:49


I know it`s a hassle, but go for the refund.

The Wharfdales are no longer sold by Tesco who were the sole suppliers. If they can`t get it repaired then the refund is the next best thing.

BTW your contract is with the retailer(Tescos)/credit broker (if you used a card or HP) and not the manufacturer. The manufacturer may provide a warranty, but this is usually through the retailer not direct to the customer. Most manufacturers operate in this manner (try buying something from `Dicksons` or `Curried` and returning it -they`ll send it back to the manufacturer every time ....on second thoughts DON`T TRY IT!!!!... :-))



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