Page 1 of Problems with LG3200E through stereo

Hardware Forum

Problems with LG3200E through stereo

Steve7 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 20th March 2001, 09:12

I bought my first DVD player on Saturday - LG3200E and tried to feed it through my stereo, through the PHONO. However when playing back both discs in my possession (Out of Sight & Erin Brockovich) the sound is terrible, very muffled as though under water and with heavy bass. Anybody any idea why this may be?

RE: Problems with LG3200E through stereo

dgsgc (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 20th March 2001, 10:38

I used to run mine like that untl i got my DTS setup and had no problems. What stereo are you using and what interconects. You should make sure in the setup that you have audio set to stream

RE: Problems with LG3200E through stereo

Steve7 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 20th March 2001, 16:26

You must excuse me, I am the definition of technophobe.
The stereo is a Technics - probably a bit past its sell by date - its about 7 years old. The connection I am using are the twin leads supplied with the player.
How/Where do I set audio to stream?

RE: Problems with LG3200E through stereo

Boiledbrain (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 21st March 2001, 08:08

Ive just bought the same player , connected it to my aiwa midi system + the sound is amazing ....Gladiator sounds really cool ... my aiwa is only 12 months old + has surround sound so it might be your stereo but it should`nt sound as bad as you say ????

RE: Problems with LG3200E through stereo

scrot (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 21st March 2001, 08:44

Don`t use the phono input, it`s got the wrong impedance and is equalised for pick-up cartridges (for vinyl playback if you`re too young to remember such things). You should use the AUX inputs or
if all else fails, try one of the tape inputs but definitely not phono.

RE: Problems with LG3200E through stereo

Steve7 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 21st March 2001, 15:08

Have tried going through the tape input and it`s now working well, in fact so well that my girlfriend is currently rearranging the front room as we speak in order for us to gain the greatest benefit.


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