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Hardware Forum

Phillips 711 mods help!!!

RST (Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 15th March 2001, 12:28

Just got a Phillips 711 and now looking for the mods muli-region and macro disable if posible can anyone tell me the best way to get around these,i saw the multi-region hack but only for 25 times is this the only hack,are there any hardware hacks for this player chips etc..
Cheers to all who reply ...

RE: Phillips 711 mods help!!!

brettb (Harmless) posted this on Friday, 16th March 2001, 16:54

Try It has all the remote hacks I used a one for all 6 remote to do my phillips 750

RE: Phillips 711 mods help!!!

StewartD (Harmless) posted this on Friday, 23rd March 2001, 16:40

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