Page 1 of S-video -> scart with NTSC = black and white :(

Hardware Forum

S-video -> scart with NTSC = black and white :(

fakeplasticman (Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 14th March 2004, 17:05

Both my telly and dvd are ntsc comp.

If i run NTSC stuff through scart it works

If i run NTSC stuff though s-vid then it b&w (the dvd only has s-video out which is gh3y)

Without having to buy an NTSC to PAL converter, is there any special wires or ways to REwire a standard s-vhs-scart so that ntsc will work ??

Thanks :D

This item was edited on Sunday, 14th March 2004, 17:05

RE: S-video -> scart with NTSC = black and white :(

Jimbo :oÞ (Elite Donator) posted this on Sunday, 14th March 2004, 17:40

This isn`t NTSC incompatibility then, it`s SVideo incompatibility.
you`ll have to find if any of your scart sockets have SVid capability (Usually imprinted next to the number of the scart on the TV as "S-AV"

Another way to tell is whether the TV has an input on the front, conisisting of an SVid socket and 3 phono`s.

If the scart can handle it, £10 plug connector, if it can`t, yer stuck!

Jimbo : oÞ

RE: S-video -> scart with NTSC = black and white :(

fakeplasticman (Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 14th March 2004, 17:59

yes av2 and 3 have scart svid capability, pal stuff works fine through it.

:/ im stumped
btw by 10 pound plug connector do you mean the little scart block with the svid, phono etc inputs on the back? if so how is that different to my s-vid to scart lead?


This item was edited on Sunday, 14th March 2004, 18:02

RE: S-video -> scart with NTSC = black and white :(

Mike G (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 14th March 2004, 21:14

What`s the make and model of your telly and DVD player?

Believe it or not, some TVs will accept NTSC composite but not NTSC S-Video - I have a Goodmans widescreen which is like this.

If that`s the case, you might be best off buying a non-`gh3y` ;) DVD player which outputs in lovely crisp RGB - then you won`t have to use S-Video.


RE: S-video -> scart with NTSC = black and white :(

fakeplasticman (Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 14th March 2004, 22:18

Tried the £10 block, no go.

NTSC svideo - svideo works fine, its just the only svideo port on the telly is on the side and it ruins the look completely.

The TV is sony kv32-fx65
The DVD is sony dav-s300 (limited gh3y edition :D )

I was hoping that it wouldnt come to buying a new DVD player tbh :/ Digital optical in would be nice though.

RE: S-video -> scart with NTSC = black and white :(

...................................... (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 14th March 2004, 22:47

The other thing to think about is the lead. Is it an svid>scart or scart>svid. The two are wired differently at the scart end.

RE: S-video -> scart with NTSC = black and white :(

Jimbo :oÞ (Elite Donator) posted this on Sunday, 14th March 2004, 23:14

NTSC svideo - svideo works fine, its just the only svideo port on the telly is on the side and it ruins the look completely.

OK, you just solved the issues :)

You have two SVideo capable scarts playing in black and white using the "£10 block" or the SVid to scart lead.
this is due to one simple little factor.....the scarts on the TV capable of S Video are still set to "AV" in the system menus ;)

Go to your TV setup menu, into wherever it configures it`s scarts and set the one you want to use to SVideo.

That should cure the problem...if not, get back in here, let us know and I`ll see what else I can find out :)

Jimbo : oÞ

RE: S-video -> scart with NTSC = black and white :(

fakeplasticman (Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 14th March 2004, 23:55

Yeah I Just figured it out, and came here to tell you guys... and youre way ahead of me.. ANYWAY

you cant select s-vid form the normal menu, but in the uber-hidden menu theres an option that says "NTSC AUTO YC AV2 ON/OFF" which was set to off, now its ON, and it works !!!!! YAY finding nemo in colour !!! :D

hidden menu for kv32 tellies....


RE: S-video -> scart with NTSC = black and white :(

Jimbo :oÞ (Elite Donator) posted this on Monday, 15th March 2004, 09:00

Sorted :)

And I don`t need to go prod me Engineers for service menu codes then :D

As a footnote...most TV`s these days allow the changing of AV to SVid in their standard setup menus....your description above is typical (and one of the reasons they do my head in!!) of our friends over at Sony!

Glad you`re happy though ;)

Jimbo : oÞ

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