Info and forum posts by 'fakeplasticman'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Sunday, 3rd June 2001, 20:59, Last used: Sunday, 3rd June 2001, 20:59

Access Level: Harmless

About this user: hello how are you?

This user has posted a total of 9 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: S-video -> scart with NTSC = black and white :(

Yeah I Just figured it out, and came here to tell you guys... and youre way ahead of me.. ANYWAY

you cant select s-vid form the normal menu, but in the uber-hidden menu theres an option that says "NTSC AUTO YC AV2 ON/OFF" which was set to off, now its ON, and it works !!!!! YAY finding nemo in colour !!! :D

hidden menu for kv32 tellies....


RE: S-video -> scart with NTSC = black and white :(

Tried the £10 block, no go.

NTSC svideo - svideo works fine, its just the only svideo port on the telly is on the side and it ruins the look completely.

The TV is sony kv32-fx65
The DVD is sony dav-s300 (limited gh3y edition :D )

I was hoping that it wouldnt come to buying a new DVD player tbh :/ Digital optical in would be nice though.

RE: S-video -> scart with NTSC = black and white :(

yes av2 and 3 have scart svid capability, pal stuff works fine through it.

:/ im stumped
btw by 10 pound plug connector do you mean the little scart block with the svid, phono etc inputs on the back? if so how is that different to my s-vid to scart lead?


This item was edited on Sunday, 14th March 2004, 18:02

S-video -> scart with NTSC = black and white :(

Both my telly and dvd are ntsc comp.

If i run NTSC stuff through scart it works

If i run NTSC stuff though s-vid then it b&w (the dvd only has s-video out which is gh3y)

Without having to buy an NTSC to PAL converter, is there any special wires or ways to REwire a standard s-vhs-scart so that ntsc will work ??

Thanks :D

This item was edited on Sunday, 14th March 2004, 17:05

I`m guessing ONE

lol have faith bro, if you book them, they will come!


speakers will rock you dont worry about the size, easy to sey up BUT TAKE THE TIME AND DO IT RIGHT IT MAKES A HELL OF A DIFFERENCE!!!!



yeah >> inside

Get a s-video + 2 phono -------> scart, you can get a gold plated one from this site , very good quality.

I have one myself, its a really good man! (dav s300 i mean)

cheers for that,

very helpful thank you!!

Sony DAV-s300 help please.

I have ordered one of these after reading the review on this site.
I noticed the review included information regarding the lack of RGB output.
Could someone please help me with the following questions....

1. Is the picture quality good through the scart provided, I`m assuming connection is achieved from 3 phono (DVD out) to scart (TV in).

2. Would a gold plated Scart lead (same as above) make much difference??

3. Whats the picture quality difference between the Scart connction and S-VHS (or S-Video) , as I have heard some reports about the picture being unnatural...... can someone who owns this player tell me what they suggest?? ( I have a panasonic TV if that info helps)

4. I am right in assuming that an s-video cable alone would not carry audio, like the name suggests, but would have to be accompanied by phono leads, to carry audio??

5. If the output isnt RGB from this machine what the hell is it??

and finally,

6. Do you need to connect s-video to s-video to retain image quality or would s-video to scart still work as well??

I hope you guys can help me out!!!

That`s all folks, thanks alot!!!

This item was edited on Sunday, 3rd June 2001, 21:30