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Please Help Me With Scarts!

Meusa (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 22nd February 2004, 16:55

Hello, I`m having problems setting all my hardware up and would appreciate some help.

I have 1 RGB scart socket on the rear of my TV and 3 devices that I would like to use the RGB signal on.

These are...

DVD/VHS Combo Player
Freeview Digital Receiver
Xbox Console

I purchased the Monster Video SCART Multi-Adaptor which splits the RGB socket into 3. I expected it to be as simple as plug my 3 scart sockets in and everything would be ready to go but doing this has caused some problems.

If I plug the Xbox in the sound on all the devices goes so quiete I have to turn the volume up to the max just to hear the sound at all. It also makes the picture on the DVD player darker. With just the DVD player and digital receiver plugged in the sound is fine but the image on the DVD player is darker once again.

Before trying the Monster Video SCART Multi-Adaptor I had the DVD player going through the second scart on the digital reciever and this seemed fine when playing videos but when playing DVD`s purple coloured bars would come accross the screen on certain scenes. Im assuming this is because of macrovision? Strange though as it says in the manual for the digital receiver that you can connect a DVD player through it.

The only compromise ive managed to come to at the moment is the DVD player and Freeview box plugged into the Monster Video SCART Multi-Adaptor and the Xbox through the secondary scart on the Freeview box. There is the brightness problem on DVD`s still but it can be overcome by turning the TV settings up when playing DVD`s. This is the only way I can get all 3 devices on RGB but surely there must be a better way?

RE: Please Help Me With Scarts!

ste_p0270 (Elite Donator) posted this on Sunday, 22nd February 2004, 17:06


try here

i`ve got a similar one, does the job just fine.



This item was edited on Sunday, 22nd February 2004, 17:07

RE: Please Help Me With Scarts!

Mike G (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 22nd February 2004, 19:49

I purchased the Monster Video SCART Multi-Adaptor which splits the RGB socket into 3.

These multi-adaptors are only for splitting outputs, e.g. sending the signal from one DVD player to 3 different TVs. They`re useless for sharing inputs, since the signals all interfere with each other (as you`ve discovered).

Basically, you need a switchable adapter, like the one splintercell mentioned.


RE: Please Help Me With Scarts!

RWB (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 22nd February 2004, 20:14

Excellent, I needed one of those myself. £13.94 delivered. :-D

Click here to e-mail Rik Booth
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RE: Please Help Me With Scarts!

Meusa (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 22nd February 2004, 21:47

Thanks for the input. I shall return the Monster Video SCART Multi-Adaptor and buy that switchable one. That one actually cost me £30 too!

I still need to have my DVD/Video combi through the Freeview box if I want to be able to record digital channels but then I have the problem with DVD Playback. Can anyone please give me some input on this? It seems that transparent purple bars come accross the screen horizontally depending on what is displayed on the picture. Is this the effects of macrovision? If so is there anything I can do? My combi is the Toshiba SD-33VB.


RE: Please Help Me With Scarts!

cassius76 (Elite) posted this on Monday, 23rd February 2004, 15:56

buy one of these. I got one about 2 years ago and it`s the best thing I ever did. This should solve all your problems.

My DVD Collection

This item was edited on Monday, 23rd February 2004, 15:58

RE: Please Help Me With Scarts!

fergus4 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 25th February 2004, 18:00

To you people who`ve picked up the magic Argos scart switcher, does it have 2 phono out sockets taking the sound of whatever is on the tv screen? Or is there only a scart signal output?


RE: Please Help Me With Scarts!

ste_p0270 (Elite Donator) posted this on Wednesday, 25th February 2004, 19:27

does it have 2 phono out sockets taking the sound of whatever is on the tv screen?

Yes, because the signal from whatever your playing (thru` scart) carries audio
also. one set of the phono`s are input, the other phono`s are output.
i`ve got these running into the back of my Sony DAVS300.


RE: Please Help Me With Scarts!

Meusa (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 28th February 2004, 10:29

Thanks a lot for all the input, Ive got my £30 refund back for the Monster Scart Adaptor and purchased the £10 switch box from argos which gives me perfect RGB quality on all my devices.

Even with this scart switcher the TV sound goes so quiete on all my devices running through it so I have to turn the TV volume right upto the top to just hear it. Im not using a particularly good scart cable from the switch box to the TV though so that maybe why. Anyway its not much of a problem as ive connected my speaker system to the scart box which is better quality than the TV sound anyway.

Cheers for the link splintercell :)

RE: Please Help Me With Scarts!

Jimbo :oÞ (Elite Donator) posted this on Saturday, 28th February 2004, 11:06

Im not using a particularly good scart cable from the switch box to the TV though so that maybe why.

Then there`s no point putting decent cables on everything else, as this one is defeating the purpose on all the others...

do yourself a favour and put a decent cable on the switcher to TV one ;)

Jimbo : oÞ

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