Page 1 of BEAR IS A TOOL !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hardware Forum

BEAR IS A TOOL !!!!!!!!!!!!!

shaggy (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 23rd February 2001, 22:53

If you think "THE BEAR" is a prat who as nothing better to do in his spare time than surf these pages every concievable second please reply here.

scan rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

RE: BEAR IS A TOOL !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Blazingmonga (Elite) posted this on Friday, 23rd February 2001, 23:03

Ha ha!

Who gives a s***?!! Why the f*** did you just start a thread to say something as pointless and irrelevant as that?

Why do you care if the bear is a twat? Does he get to you?

Just ignore the bastard if he bothers you, same as I am ignoring you (from now on).

Man that was bitter. I like it. Yup.


RE: BEAR IS A TOOL !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tricky Dicky (Competent) posted this on Friday, 23rd February 2001, 23:50

Don`t DIS the Bear man.

Just take a look at your post and give the prat thing a rethink.

SONY...........the ultimate rocker!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

RE: BEAR IS A TOOL !!!!!!!!!!!!!

clayts (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 24th February 2001, 00:03

You guys are bringing DVD Reviewer down to DVD Debate level - just shut up and let`s stop this thread now, please.

Personal flaming is out of order, but even more so on the HARDWARE FORUM (that`s about DVD players, amplifiers, TVs, projectors, digiboxes, VCRs, speakers etc, not about whether someone is a prat or not )

If you wanna bitch about each other find some space on the General Forum, or better still a playground somewhere (I think the kids are still on half term, aren`t they ?)

It`s about time you people started thinking about what DVD Reviewer are here for, and also what first time visitors must think when they see a completely utterly pointless thread (which I have exacerbated by adding to !) like this.

Bear, do not bite - show some resolve or take it elsewhere - NOT HERE !!!

Lecture over.

RE: BEAR IS A TOOL !!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Ironduke (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 24th February 2001, 00:32

Well said Clayts!

RE: BEAR IS A TOOL !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Blazingmonga (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 24th February 2001, 00:47


Its hard to ignore some things though, but I will focus a bit harder.

I am a hypocrite dammit.

RE: BEAR IS A TOOL !!!!!!!!!!!!!

_007 (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 24th February 2001, 10:18

Don`t you just love it! One hint of "moderators needed" by the admin guys and all of sudden people are falling over themselves to bring order to this place ;-)

Just kidding I completely agree with you clayts, nicely said - jobs yours ;-)


(just one thing though - didn`t shaggy mean bear has no tool! ;-)

RE: BEAR IS A TOOL !!!!!!!!!!!!!

bear (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 24th February 2001, 12:56

Twat!.slept with your mum..................................repetertive 007...yawn!..

RE: BEAR IS A TOOL !!!!!!!!!!!!!

erectionthatcouldcausearmageddon (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 24th February 2001, 13:10

and what happened to freedom of speach? Bear is entitled to it even if you don`t like what he says.

RE: BEAR IS A TOOL !!!!!!!!!!!!!

bedlam (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 24th February 2001, 14:42

yes but even freedom of speech has a time and a place m8
and the Hardware forum ain`t it.

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