Page 1 of Cheap Projectors

Hardware Forum

Cheap Projectors

close to the edge (Elite) posted this on Friday, 23rd February 2001, 00:50

Has anyone heard of any cheap projectors?

cheapest I have come across is CTX EzPro540 @ £1939.00!!!!!!

I am hoping for something around about £500-00 any ideas?

Has anyone heard of a method of projecting TV image onto walls via lenses, etc?

close to the edge

RE: Cheap Projectors

crocodile (Competent) posted this on Friday, 23rd February 2001, 01:38

@ £500 you would have to be looking at the second hand market. Cheap projectors are like cheap TV`s, the quality of the pic is not so good. If you dont have enough money to buy a decent projector then you are better off getting a decent TV.

Croc `<

RE: Cheap Projectors

lips (Competent) posted this on Friday, 23rd February 2001, 18:47

Well said-: £500 s/hand I think not, £500 for a television s/h maybe,even that would be old.Have a look in loot see what you can get for £500,not a lot.Save some more cash,take out h/p,or keep dreaming.

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