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What Scarts?

Kenji (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 18th January 2004, 21:13


This may be a dumb question but there are so many scart leads out there ranging in price from £5.00 to £100.00

Any thoughts on what I should go for or even what sort of price range I should be looking at would be greatly appreciated.

My setup will be/is Sky+, Panny E50, TV (2 scarts in) and from what I gather I will need 2 RGB scart cables.

RE: What Scarts?

Jon_Doe3rd (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 18th January 2004, 21:24

Hi there

I think that alot of people here would recomend the ribbon scart from Beyond HiFi (Or at least they used to) I personally have one and think that it was good value for money! The 1.5m is £12


This item was edited on Sunday, 18th January 2004, 21:24

RE: What Scarts?

Gareth Williams (Elite) posted this on Monday, 19th January 2004, 09:26

I saw one in Dixons for about £70. Would this really improve the picture enough to warrant the price?

Expect the worst and you won`t be disappointed!

RE: What Scarts?

Mike G (Elite) posted this on Monday, 19th January 2004, 09:48

I saw one in Dixons for about £70. Would this really improve the picture enough to warrant the price?

Very unlikely. Maybe you`d see a slight improvement over a £15 cable if you have a £1000 player and a plasma or projection display. Having said that, if you`re spending that sort of money, you`d probably be using Progressive Scan and component connections anyway.

It beats me why Dixons are selling such esoteric leads. Maybe it`s a new scam to replace the `extended warranty` rip off - "here`s your £50 Matsui player, sir, now would you like a SCART lead to go with that? Only £70!"


RE: What Scarts?

GlennTheBaker (Competent) posted this on Monday, 19th January 2004, 14:58

Reading this made me laugh as I`m a right cheapskate and all of my SCART leads (except the ones that came with the equipment itself) are from my local Poundland! No problems with picture quality or anything else for that matter.

RE: What Scarts?

bowfer (Elite) posted this on Monday, 19th January 2004, 16:26

I can recommend the ribbon scarts from Beyondhifi.
I don`t have a particularly `fancy` set-up ( JVC 28" widescreen telly + SKY + Panasonic E50 DVD ) but I definitely noticed a difference over the cheapo scarts I had before.
At the time I switched over there was a motorbike GP on SKY and there really was a quite remarkable difference.
I find it hard to put the difference into words, but I would say the picture went from harsh and `nasty` looking to subtle and far easier on the eye.No changes in TV set-up were done that could have affected the `experiment`.
They were under £15 a pop as Beyondhifi had an offer on.
Money well spent.
Recommended them to friends who were impressed as well.
It`s not a case of `Emperor`s new clothes`,as we`re no mugs.
If there were no difference they would have gone back.

RE: What Scarts?

Kenji (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Monday, 19th January 2004, 21:29

Although I have a crappy TV at the moment, It is the next in line for upgrade now I have Sky+ and a Panasonic E50 (odd upgrade order I know :) ) so even though I may not notice much differance now, I dont want to have to replace the leads again later.

I like the idea of flat leads and the ones at Beyondhifi, are still on offer Bowfer. £14.40 for a 1.5m lead. That makes a total of £58.56 for 3, inc delivery! (S**t, if the wife ever finds out i`m toast ;) )

I did come across a 3 pack of Trilogy+ leads here for £66.65 inc delivery. They are only 1m long so should hopefully be a little tidier. What do you think?

RE: What Scarts?

galaxy (Competent) posted this on Monday, 19th January 2004, 21:59

The build quality of the actual scart is what you need to watch for including decent screening, But the big old hype about cables being 97%,98%,99% oxygen free copper cores is all crap, As I have found out recently that all forms of copper wiring including electrical have to be 97% or higher so there is no chance of any weakness leading to breaking down if bent at to tight an angle!!!!

RE: What Scarts?

MicoMan (Elite) posted this on Monday, 19th January 2004, 22:35

£15 Each!! :(

High quality leads with ergnomic, all-metal Scart plug type connections with all 21-pins interconnected. Features gold plated contacts and flat OFC cables.... Hows £3.21+ Vat sound? :)

I bought 4 below and they are very good quality. Work with my E50 fine

This item was edited on Monday, 19th January 2004, 22:35

RE: What Scarts?

cassius76 (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 21st January 2004, 17:28

I swear by QED`s scarts. £43 in the right places.

call me mad , but it`s sooo much better with an RGB SQART

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