Page 1 of Help on increasing Sky + Hard Drive

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Help on increasing Sky + Hard Drive

mistralcustom (Competent) posted this on Friday, 16th January 2004, 09:30

I am led to believe it is possible to increase the size of the hard disk inside the sky box .

Has anyone attempted this yet and what are the diffieculties ?

Any help appreciated

RE: Help on increasing Sky + Hard Drive

clayts (Elite) posted this on Friday, 16th January 2004, 10:47

Try here :)

DVD Reviewer

Webmaster of Area 450 - independent Sampo/Maxent DVD site

RE: Help on increasing Sky + Hard Drive

Jimbo :oÞ (Elite Donator) posted this on Friday, 16th January 2004, 14:31

Try here

Cheers for that one Clayts...PDF now stored on me hard drive for my box going out of warranty in March :D

PS: just had me PVR1 swapped to a PVR2 due to recording issues

Jimbo : oÞ

RE: Help on increasing Sky + Hard Drive

mistralcustom (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 17th January 2004, 08:55

Clayts , thank you for that will wait until warranty runs out as above .

Does anyone have any ideas re a 120 mg drive as the article does go against it because of vibration ?

I must admit I could not do without Sky + , but I do worry if Sky will suddenly reindroduce the subscription when people are hooked

RE: Help on increasing Sky + Hard Drive

Kenji (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 17th January 2004, 14:45


My Sky+ is being installed next Saturday 24th. I have a Maxtor 120Gb drive (DimondMax Plus 9 - Model 6Y120L) ready and waiting for it and warranty or not, its going in about 30 seconds after the installer leaves :)

For all the information you could possibly need on Sky+ HD upgrades, Methanoid created a superb thread at:


The contributors realy know their stuff and its worth reading all replys from start to finish before deciding whether or not to do it or which disk to go for.

Have fun

This item was edited on Saturday, 17th January 2004, 15:36

RE: Help on increasing Sky + Hard Drive

phelings (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 17th January 2004, 22:35

Warranty or not ,take a look at Digital Spy and see how many boxes with increased HDD size are having problems since the dual record update.I wouldn`t chance it.After the HDD increase the percentage remaining indicator is permanently incorrect.Only the small line underneath is accurate.

This item was edited on Saturday, 17th January 2004, 22:35

RE: Help on increasing Sky + Hard Drive

Kenji (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 17th January 2004, 23:52

I know what you mean. (Any who don't, take a look at

However, there must be people who have upgraded without problems. Just like there must be a "happy" Phillips user out there, despite the number of complaints you see about them :)

Hopefully I will be one of the lucky ones!

Having said that, I will be keeping the original 40 GB HD, just in case. I will also be backing up all the "important" programs I make to DVD-RAM (assuming I manage to find a Panasonic E50 sometime this week). If it does start developing the 17min bug, I can always swap back.

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