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Sony DAV-S300 Home Theater System - Queries

Zimmy (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 15th January 2004, 09:13

I bought the Sony DAV-S300 Home Theater System about 2 years ago here in Jakarta, Indonesia. It seemed to play most of the black market DVDs for awhile. Now, it only plays about 10% of the DVDs I buy. How do I determine if its a hacking or chipping issue or something else? If I decide it needs to be hacked or chipped where do I do it and how much will it cost? I`m thinking about buying a cheap DVD player that is really multi-region and then connecting it to the 6 speaker system. Can I do that? In case I decide to chuck this system altogether, can folks recommend a good home theater system that also sounds excellent when playing CDs? To be honest, the Sony system is great for movies (when it actually plays them), but medicocre for music. Any opinions on the Bose 3-2-1 system?? Thanks for your ideas/suggestions.

RE: Sony DAV-S300 Home Theater System - Queries

ste_p0270 (Elite Donator) posted this on Thursday, 15th January 2004, 09:51


you can`t hack the S300, you`ll have to get it chipped. Usually about £50
here in the UK.

btw, you won`t be able to run another DVD player thru` the 300 and get 5.1 because
the 300 does`nt have optical / co-axial input. :(



This item was edited on Thursday, 15th January 2004, 09:53

RE: Sony DAV-S300 Home Theater System - Queries

Zimmy (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 17th January 2004, 08:47

Dear Ste.: Thanks for the reply and info. I know next to nothing about these systems - Would you kindly explain what is 5.1? Is it possible that if I change some setting on my Sony system that it would start playing most of these black market DVDs? If not, then I`ll have to consider getting my system chipped. However, at that cost (and the risk of poor workmanship here in Indonesia) perhaps I should just get another system. In that case, any recommendations? Any experience with the Bose 3-2-1 system? How about running a simple, low-price DVD player through the Bose Acoustic Wave Music System? Thanks for the advice/suggestions. Zimmy

RE: Sony DAV-S300 Home Theater System - Queries

ste_p0270 (Elite Donator) posted this on Saturday, 17th January 2004, 11:50


No experience whatsoever with the bose system, although I know that they
have a good reputation.

5.1 is the surround sound format that the DAVS300 outputs from surround
sound encoded DVD`s. 5 satellite speakers L / Ctr / R / Rear L / Rear R.
the .1 is for the "sub"
(Sub emmits the "low frequency" rumbles that you here / feel)

Your best bet is probably to get a "cheapy" player (£40 / £50 in UK)
these tend to play anything that you throw at them, including..ahem backup

check out some of the earlier threads in this "Hardware" forum for makes / models



RE: Sony DAV-S300 Home Theater System - Queries

Zimmy (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 20th January 2004, 08:48

Thanks Ste.! Will do. Zimmy

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