Info and forum posts by 'Zimmy'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Wednesday, 11th July 2001, 05:38, Last used: Wednesday, 11th July 2001, 05:38

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

About this user: Just purchased Sony DVA-S300 in Indonesia. Wondering if I should trade it in for something else.

This user has posted a total of 25 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.02 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: A/V Receivers for Music - Need Advice??

Thanks to you both for the reply and advice. I think that settles it - I`ll get one A/V Receiver. I will try and check out the Arcam products, but they are quite a bit above my planned budget. The Denon and Yamaha A/V receivers that I mentioned before get great reviews and are only a fraction of the cost of the Arcam? Same about the Pioneer DVD player (about US$250) and the Arcam DVD player (about US$1,100!?). I guess I should have said what my target budget was for the whole system - about $3,000. More advice about components given that budget? What do you all think about the B&W 602s or the Quad 11Ls? By the way, I did visit the Quad dealer as you (42%er) recommended and he, in fact, has the center speaker like you said. Thanks again. Zimmy

A/V Receivers for Music - Need Advice??

I want to have both really good music and home theater capability and need to decide whether to get two separate amps/receivers (one for music and one for surround movies) or can one A/V receiver do the trick. On the one hand it seems ideal to have separate amps - probably will get better music performance. Indeed, many on these hardware review forums say exactly that. However, when I look at the reviews for A/V receivers such as the Rotel 1065; Yamaha RXV1300; or Denon 2803, many say they are more than adequate for music. I would prefer to get one A/V receiver since it would probably save me a few bucks and would take up less space. 42%er advised to get a A/V receiver with pre-outs AND a separate music amp. Someone replied to 42%er saying he tried that and was disappointed. So, bottom line, are there A/V receivers that do a really good job with music? If so, which ones are most recommended. Or, is it absolutely necessary to have a separate amp for music? I am looking at either Quad 11L or B&W 602s for fronts/center; KEF or Def Tech surrounds; Def Tech or Velodyne sub; Pioneer DVD; and either Rotel or NAD CD player. I assume I ABSOLUTELY need a CD player and that the DVD player is NOT adequate for music? Am I right about this? How does the other components I mention sound? Thanks for your thoughts and ideas! Zimmy

RE: Using Hi Fi System for Movies - Advice??

42%er: Yes, Jakarta, Indonesia. Thanks, I`ll call those folks asap!! Do you know them personally, or are they just listed as local dealers? You said you think the Rotel bits might be too flat for the Quads. You recommended the Roksan Kandy amp. If I can`t find that amp here in Jakarta, can you recommend another? How about NAD or Denon? Which models are recommended? The Roksan will be just for music, right? You recommend I get a separate amp for surround movies, right? Any recommended names/models?

RE: Using Hi Fi System for Movies - Advice??

42%er and others interested: Let me add some more bits. The salesperson who is selling the Quad 11Ls is recommending the following components to the system: Rotel RSX 1055 AV Receiver (reviews on say there are alot of bugs, but the 1065 gets high reviews); Rotel RCD 02 CD Player; Definitive Technology Pro Cinema 80 center, rears and sub-woofer; and Pioneer DV 667 DVD Player. How does all this sound - given my music tastes and my space? Thanks again. Zimmy

RE: Using Hi Fi System for Movies - Advice??

42%er: Thanks for the great advice/comments! I will see if any stores here in Jakarta carry the Roksan Kandy amp, but haven`t seen it yet. Are you therefore recommending that I use two separate amps - one for music and one for movies? What do you think of these AV Receivers that say they can do both (eg. Rotel 1055/1065; Yamaha RX-V630RDS; Sony STR-VA555ES; etc.)? You recommended getting same center make speaker as front and left. As far as I can tell Quad doesn`t make a center speaker? And, I definitely didn`t see any Quad center speaker in the local store. Is this gonna be a big problem? I wasn`t sure whether the other questions were meant for me or someone else, but I`ll go ahead and answer them anyway since they seem important to me to: 1. I listen to mostly modern and classic rock and blues. I prefer laid back and smooth sound over "upfront, bright and attacking". 2. My 2 bdrm apt is 102 square meters, but the main room where I listen to music and watch movies is about 5 meters wide and 7 meters long. The ceiling is about 3 meters high. The floor is wood and the construction is very thick, solid cement all around (no plasterboard). I never hear my neighbors and as far as I know they never hear me. Do you think the system I am looking at is overkill for the space that I have? 3. I have no interconnects or cables yet. Which do you recommend? 4. The Quads are available in a local store here in Jakarta; I`m not purchasing them on the internet. I`m looking forward to more xlnt comments and advice - thanks! Zimmy

Great music AND home theater - Is it possible??

I want to have great music (I listen to mostly modern and classic rock and blues) AND a great home theater experience in the range of US $2,000. My two-bedroom apt is 102 square meters, but the main entertainment room is about half that size. How does the following system sound: B&W DM 602s front speakers; B&W LCR 3 center speaker; KEF Q8S rear surround speakers; B&W ASW300 Subwoofer; Denon AV Receiver AVR 2803; Pioneer DV 667 DVD Player; and NAD 521bee CD Player. Some questions are: How can I improve this system without adding to the cost? Or, how can I lower the costs of this system since its actually over my ideal budget? Will the NAD CD player add substantially to music sound, or should the Pioneer DVD player be enough? I like the Rotel CD Player and Amp and Quad 11L speakers alot, but don`t see how I can work those in and still have a great home theater system without adding another US $1,000. The Denon AV Receiver AVR 2803 is meant to process data for both CD Players and DVD Players, right? Is this the best choice in that price range for an AV Receiver? Any ideas, suggestions, advice?

Using Hi Fi System for Movies - Advice??

I have a Sony DAV300 Home Theater System and it was great for movies, but mediocre for CDs. I listened to the following Home Theater System and had the same experience: Denon 1602 Amp; Pioneer DV636 DVD Player; and Definitive Technology Pro Cinema 60 and 80`s surround speakers. Then I listened to the following hi-fi system and was very impressed: Rotel CD Player and Amp, Quad 11L speakers, and Def Tech sub-woofer. I am tempted to this hi-fi system (or something similar), but am wondering what will I need to have the capability to have surround movie capability also? The Pioneer DVD player should do the trick, but is the Rotel Amp have the right processing capability, or will I need a separate amp for movies? I guess I will have to buy a center and two rear speakers also? Recommendations? Will the Rotel Amp be able to send sound to all 6 speakers? What else do I need to consider when trying to upgrade a great hi-fi system to a home theater system? Thanks in advance for ideas/suggestions/advice!

How does this home theater system sound (Denon, Pioneer, Definitive Technology)??

Someone is recommending to me the following components for a home theater and music system: Pioneer DV 366 DVD player; Denon 1604 Amp; Definitive Technology Pro Cinema 60 Speakers; along with a digital optical link (whatever that is?). The price I`m being quoted is US $1,500 (note that I live in Indonesia which has very high import duties). How does this system and price sound? This forum seems to rate the Pioneer DVD players and Denon Amps very high, but there is no mention of the Def Tech speakers. Any opinions on those? Recommended replacements for any of the above? I`d say this is the maximum I would want to spend. Thanks for you thoughts!

Definitive Technologies Speakers??

Someone is recommending to me the following system for home theater and music: the Pioneer DV 366 DVD player; the Denon 1604 Amp; and Definitive Technology Pro Cinema 60 speakers; along with a digital optical link. The Pioneer and Denon both seem to get very high reviews in this forum; however, I can not find any reviews of Definitive Technology speakers. Any opinions out there on these speakers? What do folks think of this system? Is it equally as strong for movies as music? The price I`m being quoted is about US $1,500 (note that I live in Indonesia, which has very high import duties). Would folks recommend replacements for any of these items mentioned?

RE: Sony DAV-S300 Home Theater System - Queries

Dear PARIS: I wrote your instructions down and sat in front of my Sony system for awhile. I must be missing something - I couldn`t even figure out how to put the player in Standby mode. Can you possibly revise your instructions for someone with a pea-sized brain like me? By the way, what exactly am I trying to accomplish by following these instructions? Is this supposed to make it more DVD friendly? As I mentioned before, it ts supposed to be multi-region already and I actually had pretty good results in the early days. Thanks. Zimmy

RE: Sony DAV-S300 Home Theater System - Queries

Dear Ste.: Thanks for the reply and info. I know next to nothing about these systems - Would you kindly explain what is 5.1? Is it possible that if I change some setting on my Sony system that it would start playing most of these black market DVDs? If not, then I`ll have to consider getting my system chipped. However, at that cost (and the risk of poor workmanship here in Indonesia) perhaps I should just get another system. In that case, any recommendations? Any experience with the Bose 3-2-1 system? How about running a simple, low-price DVD player through the Bose Acoustic Wave Music System? Thanks for the advice/suggestions. Zimmy

Sony DAV-S300 Home Theater System - Queries

I bought the Sony DAV-S300 Home Theater System about 2 years ago here in Jakarta, Indonesia. It seemed to play most of the black market DVDs for awhile. Now, it only plays about 10% of the DVDs I buy. How do I determine if its a hacking or chipping issue or something else? If I decide it needs to be hacked or chipped where do I do it and how much will it cost? I`m thinking about buying a cheap DVD player that is really multi-region and then connecting it to the 6 speaker system. Can I do that? In case I decide to chuck this system altogether, can folks recommend a good home theater system that also sounds excellent when playing CDs? To be honest, the Sony system is great for movies (when it actually plays them), but medicocre for music. Any opinions on the Bose 3-2-1 system?? Thanks for your ideas/suggestions.

Sony DAV-S300 Home Theater System - Queries

I bought the Sony DAV-S300 Home Theater System about 2 years ago here in Jakarta, Indonesia. It seemed to play most of the black market DVDs for awhile. Now, it only plays about 10% of the DVDs I buy. How do I determine if its a hacking or chipping issue or something else? If I decide it needs to be hacked or chipped where do I do it and how much will it cost? I`m thinking about buying a cheap DVD player that is really multi-region and then connecting it to the 6 speaker system. Can I do that? In case I decide to chuck this system altogether, can folks recommend a good home theater system that also sounds excellent when playing CDs? To be honest, the Sony system is great for movies (when it actually plays them), but medicocre for music. Any opinions on the Bose 3-2-1 system?? Thanks for your ideas/suggestions.

Recommendations for mini-component system and opinions on Bose 3-2-1??

I live in Indonesia, so my choices of systems are limited. I like the simplicity of the Bose Acoustic Wave System. It sounds o-k to me and its available locally. However, many folks in this forum seem to think Bose systems are mediocre and too expensive. So, can folks recommend systems (CD and radio) that are at least as good as the Bose system mentioned above, but perhaps no more expensive? Once I have some options I can scour the markets here to see if they are available. Also, I only saw two short comments on the Bose 3-2-1. What do folks think about it as a home theater system? What is the quality of music listening on the system - at least as good as the Bose Acoustic Wave System? Thanks for the thoughts!

Maybe not a hacking or chipping issue - Sony DAV300???

I live in Indonesia and bought a multi-region Sony Home Theater System about 2 years ago. Not sure of the exact model number right now (something like DAV300 or DVS310). I didn`t seem to have much trouble playing the black market DVDs that are sold here - at least until a few months ago. Now, about 80% of the DVDs don`t play. Sometimes the message "No Disc" appears in the window of the unit, sometimes numbers flash on my tv screen, sometimes it will play for a little while, then stop. I understand Sony DVD players can`t be hacked, but can be chipped. But, since this is supposed to be a multi-region player, maybe its not a hacking or chipping issue? Also, what if I buy a simple DVD player that seems to play local DVDs more reliably - can I connect that DVD player to all the great surround speakers of my Sony system?? Thanks!!

Website like "DVD Reviewer" for Stereos!?

I have the Sony DVA S300 and think its great for movies. However, for music it is less than great. I want to be able to get the same kind of advice for buying stereos that I`ve seen on this website for DVD players. What websites do you recommend? Alternatively, what stereo systems do you recommend? My budget will be about US$600 and the space is about 6 meters by 5 meters and 3.5 meters high. Ideally, I`d like a 3 disc changer. Thanks!

Sound from TV shows/movies through DVD speakers!?

I have the Sony DVA S300 DVD Home Theater System. When I play DVDs, VCDs, or CDs the sound, of course, comes through the system speakers - no problem. However, I would like the option of having the sound from normal tv shows/movies to go through the system speakers also (rather than just the tv speakers). How do I do that? I seem to remember that the folks who set my system up were able to get the sound from tv movies/shows to go through the DVD system speakers, but only certain channels. Will only certain channels or movies have the ability to go through my system speakers? What buttons do I push on my remote control to make this happen? Thanks!

RE: Sony S735 vs S300

Westy: I have the Sony DVA S300 as well. When I play DVDs/VCD`s, of course, the sound comes out of the system speakers. How can I get the sound to come out of the system speakers when just watching normal television shows or movies? Is there some buttons on the remote I can push to make this happen? I seem to remember when the folks set my system up for me, they were able to get the sound to come out of the system speakers only for certain channels and not others. Thanks for your help in advance! Zimmy

RE: Finding a DVD Player in Indonesia/Several Questions

Thanks again Rich! When I choose Auto-Format it only uses two tiny speakers. The sound is really "small" and the left tiny speaker sounds almost like its blown out. Most of the music comes out of just one small speaker. Normal Surround or Studio C are better, but still not as good as an average stereo. I might see if I can exchange this system for the equivalent Pioneer system. It seems to get much higher marks - especially for sound. One reason for this appears to be its active subwoofer vs the inactive one in the Sony system. Zimmy

RE: Finding a DVD Player in Indonesia/Several Questions

Thanks again Rich! They set up the system yesterday and I gave it a trial run for DVDs, VCDs, and CDs. The video and sound quality for movies is excellent! However, I must say that I am not too impressed with sound quality for CDs. You have to choose the sound type you want among automatic formatting; 2 speakers only; normal surround; virtual 3D something or other; Hall; Jazz Club; etc. Not sure which is best, but none are really great for CDs. The sound is just not very full (not sure if that makes sense). And/or not enough bass. In the reviews for these types of systems some talked about getting an "active sub-woofer" vs. a passive one. Maybe I should upgrad? A friend burned some CDs for me (not sure if he used MP3 or not) and unfortunately the system doesn`t even recognize those CDs. I`m thinking maybe I could buy a separate CD player and just plug it in to the system. But then the sound probably wouldn`t be any different? Anyway, thanks again! Zimmy

RE: Sony DAV-S300 Multi Region?

Chris: I also just purchased this system. They do claim that it is multi-regional, but it will take me some time to prove it. Have you tested yours yet? Is this the one with the one big sub-woofer and 5 tiny little speakers that you`re supposed to spread around the room? How is the sound? How is the quality of DVDs and VCDs when played? Plain music CDs? How big of a space do you have it in? My space is about 6 meters by 5 meters, but it opens up into the kitchen and a bathroom too, so it may be just a bit weak on power for that space. How does your system perform in your space? Have you tried cranking it up when many folks are over and dancing and stuff? Thanks for the thoughts! Zimmy

RE: Finding a DVD Player in Indonesia/Several Questions

Thanks, Rich, for the info! That would be a relief if, indeed, this "new coding" system is a bit of a "myth". I hope so. If this DVD player is "chipped" to be multi-regional then I guess this "chipping" can be changed if need be? That is, in order to play newly protected Region 1 or Region 3 DVDs? Unfortunately, this store (which is one of the best supposedly in Jakarta) didn`t have any DVDs that could play SVCDs. Am I going to be missing out big time here by not having a SVCD-compatible system? I wonder how available these systems are here? No, I don`t really expect to be playing alot of MP3 files. I was just thinking that it would be good to have that option. There are quite a few black-market CDs floating around that use that format. I posted a separate message about the Sony because I wanted to get specific feedback about that system. I thought I`d get more responses if the system was listed in the subject line. Thanks again! Zimmy

Sony DVA-S300 DVD Player

What kind of reputation does this system have? How is the CD music quality and DVD movie quality on these systems? Is it powerful enough for my space - about 6 meters by 4 meters? The salespeople say it is multi-regional. What happens if the film industry/DVD manufacturers change the coding on DVDs so that multi-regional systems can`t play all DVDs? Will I still be able to play DVDs from Region 3 (the region I purchased the system in)? The salesperson said that this system can`t play SVCDs or MPEG3s. Is he right? Is this a big drawback? Are there comparable systems that can play SVCDs and MPEG3? Thanks for your thoughts/advice!!

Finding a DVD Player in Indonesia/Several Questions

I live in Indonesia and just purchased a Sony DVD/VCD/CD (DVA-S300) player that comes with a big sub-woofer and 5 tiny speakers. The sound quality is high, but may be slightly short on power for my space (about 6 meters by 5 meters).They will install it later tonight so I will know for sure then. I`m a little concerned about the issue of the film industry and DVD manufacturers possibly devising a system/code whereby the multi-regional systems will no longer be able to play DVDs from any region.Various DVD websites advise buying a DVD player that can be manually programmed with the remote control for the region of that particular DVD. The salespeople at the place I purchased the Sony were generally not aware of this situation and said that ALL DVD players in Indonesia are multi-regional. What will my options be if the codes on DVDs are indeed changed so that multi-regional systems wont be able to play them? Will I at least still be able to play DVDs for Region 3? Also, the salespeople said that you can NOT find a DVD player that also plays SVCDs; however, I saw on this website a DVD player described that does play SVCDs. Generally, these salespeople don`t know very much and its making me a bit nervous. I don`t think I can return the DVD player for a refund, but they said I can exchange it for something else. I was also advised to buy a DVD player that can play MPEG3. There were some individual DVD players that had this capability, but not the systems (including the system I bought). So, did I make a big mistake buying a system that can not be manually changed for different region DVDs and can`t play SVCDs or MPEG3s? What can I do? Can you recommend a system that does have these features and is available in Indonesia? Finally, what are your opinions of the Sony DVA-S300 system? Thanks!!