Page 1 of can i play RCE disks on my warfdale 750?

Hardware Forum

can i play RCE disks on my warfdale 750?

alanlewthwaite (Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 18th February 2001, 19:29

can i ?
is there a fix?
will warfdale sort it?
can i play the disk by selecting chapter? (someone told me i could)

RE: can i play RCE disks on my warfdale 750?

u.s (Harmless) posted this on Monday, 19th February 2001, 02:01

Probably will if you can set the region manually. I tried Hollowman on the 750 ( NOT the 750s), using the hack found on this website, and it worked fine. It didn`t work first time, because the disk tray was in the way when i was using the remote hack, moved the remote control so there were no obstruction in line of sight and it worked.

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