Info and forum posts by 'u.s'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Tuesday, 13th February 2001, 20:15, Last used: Tuesday, 13th February 2001, 20:15

Access Level: Harmless

About this user: This user has chosen not to submit a description :(

This user has posted a total of 7 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

Opinions/Reviews on the Toshiba Strata 32Z23 TV

Does anyone have one of these sets ? what do you think of it?
I`m not bothered about the NICAM sound cos the the sound will be coming through an amp.
Anywhere i can find reviews ?


RE: Cannot detect dial tone

in the modem/connection options there is an option to `wait for dial tone` uncheck this and everything should be o.k.

RE: Even more shocking than the Terrorist Attack on America ???

"It really wasn`t an attempt to slag of Islam or its followers or even terrorists"
It sure does seem that way, you did post "Until the C4 interview, I`d never have thought about criticising Islam or its followers. Religion turns me off, big time"

"Strange, I have not killed or maimed anybody"
Neither have i, and i am a Muslim, so why am i problem to you ? ( in response to your "Muslims are actually the world’s problem" post.

"Sure, there must be some anti-Americans out there"
O.K we agree on something ;-)

"Halal meat slaughtering practises. Cruel but you will disagree, I know."
It`s alot better than clubbing the animal over the head repeatedley till it`s dead.

"I know Muslims who specifically come to Britain to drink and screw"
Didn`t you post "I prefer UAE my self. You can get a couple of gorgeous girls and as much alcohol to drink for just £50 - the whole night!
Islam isnt always bad. ;)"
What the hell has Islam to do with you getting p***ed and paying for a hs[at]g and then you say you didn`t intend to slag off Islam.

"Just reborn again when we decide to. Simple and easy"
What the .... ? You can choose when you want to be reborn ?

"You didn’t mention Atheists or agnostics? Perhaps for a reason? "
How did i know you would bring this up, HELLO....didn`t you see the three little letters, here you go i`ll type them bigger,,,,ETC, which was meant to include all other religions, did i have to type out every religion, anyone could see that it was a shorter way to post the different religions....except you :( There was no other reason for it!

"Most infidels don’t need a God. It is a difficult concept for many religious people to believe. We are content to giggle at others that do need solace this way"
So you `giggle` at anyone who believes in God, not just Muslims. (There you go religion again.)

"Not only that, but the BBC journalist received 100% support for the Talliban from the Pakistani crowd"
Was this Pakistani croud in Peshawar, the cheering crowd as shown on the News was, indeed Peshawar is under the rule of the Taliban, it is very close to Afghanistan/Pakistan border.

"Better off without people like me? What do you think I am?"
It`s quite obvious you are anti-muslim.

"Being a Muslim, I guess you know some of these dodgy fundamentalist Muslim’s better than I do. How many have you handed in?"
Nope..i can honestly say that i have never met a `dodgy fundamentalist`, but if i do i can send him/her your way so you can ask them all your question, or do your bit for Britain.

"I’m doing my bit to rid this sh*t from our shores! What`s your approach to the problem? Duck & cover?"
Nah.. i wouldn`t have to, i`ll just become a fundamentalist and come and hunt you down if the sh*t hits the fan....LOL only joking.

I think you are over reacting to all of this.
Are there any other concerned members who wish to post or is it just `HappyExHitachi505Owner` who`s sh*tting himself ?

RE: Even more shocking than the Terrorist Attack on America ???

"Muslims are actually the world’s problem"
Wrong!!!!!!! It`s people like you that are the worlds` problem

"so don’t try to pretend every Muslim is sad."
I`m not saying they are, but then again how do you know that many non-Muslims are pretending to be don`t.

"Muslims are ALWAYS demanding rights but give little back in return"
What demands would these be ? please provide evidence of these demands and also if any of these rights have been issued, which one`s were for us British-born Muslims.

"If Allah is in a charitable mood, get him to repair my TV set. It’s on the blink again"
Why don`t you get your spiritualist God or whoever/whatever you believe in to fix it for you, see if he can do it ?

"They will be my substitute God until then"
so who is your God...? who/what have you been bought up to believe ?

"Whatever you do – never tell them you don’t believe in God.
Things can get nasty!"
That doesn`t bother me, i believe in my God, and i have no problem with other people who believe in their Gods........Hidus, Sikhs,Christians etc, i have no problem at all with any of them.

"same civilised standards as the rest of us."
What standards have you got ?

"Look at the world news"
Have you....nearly all of the Muslim nations have condemned the horrific acts that happend in USA, and Pakistans General Musharaf ( a Muslim) has pledged full support for the Americans to get rid of these terrorists.

"If the world consisted of non-Muslims, like myself, the planet wouldn’t need police, and there would be no more wars."
What about the IRA ? you telling me we don`t need police, correct me if i`m wrong but they are non-Muslims, aren`t they ? Look at all the trouble in Ireland.
I could say that "If the world consisted of Muslims, like myself, the planet wouldn’t need police, and there would be no more wars",
but i won`t stoop to your level...
What makes you (a non-Muslim) a better person than me (a British-born Muslim) ?

As for signing the pledge, maybe when you have got all the non-Muslims to sign a pledge, then i`ll try to gat the Muslims to sign the pledge and we can both go down to Downing St and hand them in in person.

RE: Even more shocking than the Terrorist Attack on America ???

posted by HappyExHitachi505Owner "You can’t sell Islam to me, so please stop trying. ;) We in the UK, have it better. Isn’t that why you all come here?"

I find this comment to be offensive and unfair.

No one is selling you Islam, it`s better off without people like you but hey the fundamentalist need some more suicide
I was born here as were many other muslims ( black and white ) , i didn`t come here from any other country, and as British Muslims i think we have the right to practice our religion and build our Mosques, afterall Britain is a multi-cultural society.

posted by HappyExHitachi505Owner
"We let minorities get away with a lot." you mean Pakistanis ? `cos Muslims are not considered a minority nowadays. I think your problem is with Pakistanis and not Muslims in general.

You don`t really know much about the Islamic religion, you are just picking out the negative points that others have said or `some` Muslims have done, and are labeling all Muslim as inhuman.

posted by HappyExHitachi505Owner
"Would deporting you be such a bad thing?"

Why deport us British Muslims, we have just as much right to be here in Britain as you do.

posted by HappyExHitachi505Owner
"Aren’t Islamic countries with their tolerant, kind people just the dandiest places on the face of the Earth?
Don’t bother to answer that! Remember, I`ve been and I`ve seen!"

They might be the dandiest places on Earth, but i couldn`t tell you to be honest, `cos there are so many Islamic countries, i haven`t been to them all, have you ? Which ones have you been to then ? Which ones have you seen ?

In your own words:
"If you insulted my religion, no matter what it was, I would have no time for you,but perhaps might just try to explain any misunderstanding you had."

I think i`ve wasted enough of my time on you !
You seem to have your mind made up about Muslims/Pakistanis, there`s nothing anyone can say or do to change your mind......


RE: can i play RCE disks on my warfdale 750?

Probably will if you can set the region manually. I tried Hollowman on the 750 ( NOT the 750s), using the hack found on this website, and it worked fine. It didn`t work first time, because the disk tray was in the way when i was using the remote hack, moved the remote control so there were no obstruction in line of sight and it worked.

RE: Good online DVD Mulitiregion and VCR Frindly DVD player Shops

Try, excellent service. I bought a Sony 336 manual select multiregion dvd player ( no problems with RCE disks e.g. Hollowman) with macrovision removed for £249 inc free delivery. Ordered Tuesday morning arrived Thursday morning, in perfect working order.