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Budget DVD player for Newbie owner

ShaunBoy (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 13th February 2001, 15:51

Hi folks

Been lurking for a while, and it`s time to put my hand in my pocket... :-) I`m after a budget player, probably from Richer Sounds, `cos I`ve used them for Hi-Fi gear in the past and found them to be good.
Looking at these (in no order of preference):
Hi-image DVD2290 (£110)
Cyber-home AD-N-212 (is that the same as the AD-M-212?) (£120)
Logix DVD3000 (£150)
LG DVD2330P (£150)
Ariston DVD2000 (£160)
Eclipse DVD595 (£160)

AFAIK, all these are multi-region or remote-hackable. My preference is the Logix; seems to be reasonably popular for a budget. Comments, anyone?

I`m also thinking of swapping my amp for a home cinema amp - probably the Sherwood RD6106, again from Richer Sounds at £200. Anyone got one; is it any good?

Thanks in anticipation!


RE: Budget DVD player for Newbie owner

mike.d (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 13th February 2001, 19:21

hey shaun
I used to think like you....
the cheaper the better..
however i opted for the pioneer 535 from for £210 del.
1. its a branded player (don`t like buying what i`ve never heard of before)
2. it has macro-off, rce enabled and multi-region from the box
3. optical digital out
4. never heard a bad word about it yet!!
However if you don`t want to spend any money, well thats up to you, just giving you my opinion.
Hope i`ve helped in any way :-)

RE: Budget DVD player for Newbie owner

The Ironduke (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 13th February 2001, 19:31

"4. never heard a bad word about it yet!!"

Try the home cinema forums some people thinks its too noisey and its audio is poor.

RE: Budget DVD player for Newbie owner

DaveGordon (Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 13th February 2001, 20:35

I have seen this in martin dawes for £219 multi region and they highly recommend it thats why I bought one!!!!!!!

RE: Budget DVD player for Newbie owner

Boris64 (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 13th February 2001, 20:37

Get the himage 2290 . i have one as my first player and it does everything imaginable.

RE: Budget DVD player for Newbie owner

John Hodson (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 13th February 2001, 21:40

For £99, providing you can find one and you won`t be using DTS (sound drop-outs), you could do worse than the Wharfedale. Tesco are also doing the LG 3000E very reasonably (between £149 - £169 depending on the branch), and you`ll find a decently priced multi-region Pioneer 530/535 at:

RE: Budget DVD player for Newbie owner

ShaunBoy (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 14th February 2001, 14:05

Thanks for the replies. I`m in two minds as to whether to go cheap DVD with decent digital amp (and upgrade the DVD in 12 months or so when the prices have dropped even more), or to go for a decent DVD and keep my pro-logic setup. Probably the former, but it means I`m limited to something like the Himage (which doesn`t seem to have been slated too much, at least) - not just for budget reasons, though; I`ve got no more room under my TV.

Riucher Sounds will do me the multiregion 2290 with Sherwood 6106 digital amp for £330 including supercare on both - and they`ll give me £80 back for my existing amp and CD player (good kit, but quite old).

Think that`ll do me! I`ll let you folks know what I think in another message


RE: Budget DVD player for Newbie owner

sedj (Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 14th February 2001, 19:19


The conclusion you have come to is possibly the right one , as i received my Himage yesterday from Richer`s and are more than happy.

From the box it`s region free , play`s vcd/svcd/mp3 etc , etc

I have tried all of the above disc`s with no prob`s.

Plug and play to with no remote hack`s required (SC2000)

Also macro free , and it`s smaller than a playstation.

I dont usually buy dindi make`s but it does what it say`s on the tin!

Only downer is it not having scart connection.


RE: Budget DVD player for Newbie owner

Jennings (Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 14th February 2001, 20:00

The Logix at Richer Sounds is a Daewoo/Scan SC-2000 clone but I believe it is an older version with non-upgradeable F/W. It therefore has the problems experienced by some Scan owners last year.
However, the current Scan machine is working perfectly with the latest V2.14 firmware (available from this forum) and it definetly does everything it says on the tin [and more!]

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