Page 1 of Lecson AVR-1000 dvd home theatre system...opinions??

Hardware Forum

Lecson AVR-1000 dvd home theatre system...opinions??

lynxz (Harmless) posted this on Monday, 15th December 2003, 00:01

looking for info. on the: LECSON AVR-1000 DVD HOME THEATRE SYSTEM, just wondered if anyone could offer an opinion on it or point me towards a review somewhere?? many thanks

RE: Lecson AVR-1000 dvd home theatre system...opinions??

SHEPPY124 (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 16th December 2003, 07:26

Its a bit of an old system if i recall debs sold it or still do, i had the 940 the version before so would think the player would be similar or improved, loads of connections, multi-reg via remote hack, played most things vcds/svcds/mp3 but it did struggle reading re-writables and and plus media, also wouldnt read datawrite dvd-r grey topped 2x speed media for some reason apart from that great player a the time had it a couple of years. If its a bargain price probably would be a good buy, can not tell you what the speakers are like though but with in all one systems you generally get what you pay for. If you want top notch sound go for seps, if you are not an audio specialist like myself an all in one system is good enouth.

hope that helps a bit even though it isnt the exact system you asked for



RE: Lecson AVR-1000 dvd home theatre system...opinions??

lynxz (Harmless) posted this on Friday, 19th December 2003, 11:31

cheers to see one in debs...they were selling the 950`s off for £50.00!!!....still are...a bit big and ugly so didn`t bother as i hadn`t found any info at the time...

RE: Lecson AVR-1000 dvd home theatre system...opinions??

Lottie Boy 2 (Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 20th January 2004, 17:31

I`m kind of interested in this system....

But don`t know where you can buy it other than NET ELECTRICS at £99.

What and where is debs?


RE: Lecson AVR-1000 dvd home theatre system...opinions??

SHEPPY124 (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 21st January 2004, 07:57

Debenhams, The store with quite high prices, but they have fantastic sales can pick up alot of bargains on blue cross days and after xmas, they only have small electronics dept though but worth a visit now and again.


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