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anybody tried this?

Gamesmaster (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Monday, 5th February 2001, 13:15

Just been informed that the scan 2000 does not output NTSC to PAL50Z
this would make VHS copying of all NTSC disks (VCDs and DVDs) impossible
does anybody know if this is true?

RE: anybody tried this?

NiVZ (Competent) posted this on Monday, 5th February 2001, 13:58

I copied X-Men R1 to VHS and it worked okay. The video I used to copy it onto is NTSC capable, but I`ve played it on another video which isn`t and it plays fine.

I haven`t tried recording using the non-NTSC capable video recorder yet.

Don`t know if this helps you much.


RE: anybody tried this?

Gamesmaster (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Monday, 5th February 2001, 14:04

my video is NTSC playback compatible, but not recording. Mind you, if the other video you have is not NTSC compatible, I guess it must of recorded it in PAL!

RE: anybody tried this?

NiVZ (Competent) posted this on Monday, 5th February 2001, 14:06

Now I think about it, the video I used to record only says NTSC playback capable. No mention of recording in NTSC.


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