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Do you own a Scan Player and are happy with it?

Toy_car (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 3rd February 2001, 01:00

Just want a know how many scan owners are happy with their player.
and lets try not to get into the `my dads bigger than your dad` crap.

This item was edited on Saturday, 3rd February 2001, 01:05

RE: Do you own a Scan Player and are happy with it?

Gary W (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 3rd February 2001, 10:34

I have had a Scan since September last year. I would highly recommend the SC-2000 to anyone who wants a fully featured multi player. The DVD picture is excellent (ignore the very few stories you read hear - they are isolated cases of problem machines), plays everything you put in it. Most of all however, it is a superb mp3 player worth buying for that alone.

Scan have now got their act together and are supporting the hell out of this machine with replacements for faulty machines and also supporting firmware updates to address new features and cope with new issues such as new DVD disc not playing.

It is also a quality machine that looks good, it is only £175 inc delivery and it is available.

RE: Do you own a Scan Player and are happy with it?

Nexstar (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 3rd February 2001, 20:58

Very happy with mine. I don`t even feel the need to upgrade the firmware until the long filenames for MP3`s comes along.

RE: Do you own a Scan Player and are happy with it?

JoJoBhoy (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 3rd February 2001, 21:17

Same Here.


RE: Do you own a Scan Player and are happy with it?

Malky (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 3rd February 2001, 23:34

Yeah I`m happy with mine and I`ve had it since November. Plays everything I`ve thrown at it and does it really well. It`s hooked up to a Digitheatre DTS system and it`s really impressive (especially with DTS discs).

But I would disagree with Gary W on the support front. My mate has a scan player that wont read CD-RW discs which Scan agreed to replace before Christmas. He`s still waiting. He`s finally got a returns number about 10 days ago but they won`t reply to his emails asking for the drop and pick date. I believe he`s contacting his credit card company next week. I guess as he`s not beta testing firmware for them he doesn`t merit a new machine the next day :-(

He still thinks it`s a good machine for the money though and I`m sure he`ll think it`s even better when he gets his replacement ;-)


RE: Do you own a Scan Player and are happy with it?

Gary W (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 4th February 2001, 11:55


Get your mate to keep phoning them. You should find that when he finally speaks to someone there that he will get sorted out. Just sending emails and sitting back may not do it. You have to work hard to get their attention.

I meant the support is good once you get their attention. The drop and pick system they have is about the best possible resolution of a problem player.

RE: Do you own a Scan Player and are happy with it?

Gamesmaster (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 4th February 2001, 12:05

phone em up and tell em you`ll contact your credit card company and cancel payment if they dont sort it out, I would!

RE: Do you own a Scan Player and are happy with it?

Malky (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 4th February 2001, 15:12

Spoke to him this morning and he got an email from Wesley yesterday so it looks as though his threat of contacting the credit card company worked :-)

With a bit of luck he`ll finally get it sorted.


RE: Do you own a Scan Player and are happy with it?

Tim Read (Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 4th February 2001, 16:12

I got my Scan at the beginning of November.

I am very happy with the features and picture quality for the price I paid (£175). It`s a solidly built player with great picture quality. I have only had one problem disk, which was a copy of Ronin from the local Blockbuster - it locked up on the menu. But it was a rental disk...

I`ve now got about 20 DVDs, all of them play.

I`ve seen in some threads people reporting problems on the Scan with `blocky` black areas and blue shadowing. I have v.164 of the firmware, and I won`t change it until there is a compelling reason to do so! My player does not exhibit any `blockiness` on black areas or blue shadowing. I have noticed a slight degradation in closeup beige/skin tones on my Gattaca disk (R2) but that`s it.

So, overall I`m a happy Scan customer. But then I`ve never had to resort to their legendary customer service!

RE: Do you own a Scan Player and are happy with it?

Vic Shears (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 4th February 2001, 17:30

I Have had my SCAN DVD player for over 2 months and have been very pleased with it`s overall performance.

Cheers Vic

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