Page 1 of Pacific 1001/1002 or Xenius 2030 ???

Hardware Forum

Pacific 1001/1002 or Xenius 2030 ???

andy_js (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 5th October 2003, 22:59

I am after a player for the kids room. I want one that will play both -r & +r but am not too bothered about overall picture quality or if its a bit noisy. I think they are all around £35 - £45 so not much to choose between them on price. Which one of these should I go for.

RE: Pacific 1001/1002 or Xenius 2030 ???

JETLAG (Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 7th October 2003, 12:16

:) I have just bought a Pacific 1001DVD player from ASDA at £37.63. I have been in the electronics business for 25 years in the repair of the consumer electronics. I was made redundant in February, so I now when I looked for a second DVD player I was supprised to see the Pacific 1001 so cheap, but dont be put off as the machine is an unbelievable little gem thet I find cannot be beaten for its price and also its really fantastic picture and the functions it has which I found are second to none.
As for what it can play is open to your own testing. So far I tried dvd,cd music, jpeg photo cd disc, multiregion? mine plays 1 and 2 straight from the box
I cant comment on any other functions ie the dvd -r,+r,rw etc but even then demand on this budget machine can only go so far.
As for any noise from the machine, what noise not notice-able as some people might thinkin other reviews.
Go and buy this if you want a hard as rock player that cannot be smashed !!!!!.
5 star quality

RE: Pacific 1001/1002 or Xenius 2030 ???

andy_js (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 7th October 2003, 22:04

Thanks JETLAG. I suppose I can always take it back if it doesn`t play -R discs. I can`t believe they are so cheap !

RE: Pacific 1001/1002 or Xenius 2030 ???

UKFEMALE (Harmless) posted this on Monday, 17th November 2003, 14:13

hey andy let me know if it does play copys xxxx

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