Page 1 of HELP: Dolby Digital Amps

Hardware Forum

HELP: Dolby Digital Amps

Ruff 1 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 27th January 2001, 23:32

I have a very good pre and power amplifier set up and I now want to add a Dolby Digital set up into the fold also. Can anyone recommend a cheap and fairly decent amp that can be be attached to my existing set up. I`ve heard good reports about the Yamaha DSP-E492 but this is now obsolete.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


RE: HELP: Dolby Digital Amps

clayts (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 28th January 2001, 11:01

The replacement for the E492 is called the DSP-E800, and by all accounts it`s just as good if not better.

But try getting hold of one - they`re like gold-dust. Apparently were doing them for £217

This item was edited on Sunday, 28th January 2001, 11:01

RE: HELP: Dolby Digital Amps

clayts (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 28th January 2001, 11:17

RE: HELP: Dolby Digital Amps

Ruff 1 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 28th January 2001, 14:12

Cheers Clay

Can I ask another question and please excuse for me for being dumb......for example could I connect say the Kenwood 5030 or 7030 (or any other amp for that matter) to my existing pre/power amp combo via the tape loops and is this an easy thing to do.......

The Yamaha is hard to come by at present......

Many thanks


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