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£128 for the PROLINE DVD2000 can u go wrong?

isotonic (Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 23rd January 2001, 13:23

I`ve just saw the comet ad for the proline for under 130. Does anybody know where i can find a review for this player? does it have any known problems?. The spec seems pretty decent..

RE: £128 for the PROLINE DVD2000 can u go wrong?

kandee (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 23rd January 2001, 18:48

don`t bother - nice picture but after a couple of weeks you will probably notice - increasing layer change, freezing and green blocks, no sound, repeating subtitles, i had all of those and i`m not the only one,try a search on this site and see for yourself. mine`s gone back now and good riddance to bad rubbish.

RE: £128 for the PROLINE DVD2000 can u go wrong?

Dean Garraghty (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 23rd January 2001, 20:45

Wouldn`t bother. This one is made by Oritron, the people behind the Matsui 110. It still has all the same problems because they`ve hardly bothered doing anything with the firmware. It`s also just a re-badged Oritron 600, which Dixons were knocking out for 99quid just a few weeks ago. It`s not worth the aggro. Go get a Cyberhome ADN212 from Richer Sounds for 120quid.

RE: £128 for the PROLINE DVD2000 can u go wrong?

Johnny Utah (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 23rd January 2001, 23:04

Can u go wrong? Yes. Yes and Yes again! Don`t bother, a decent machine can be got hold of gor under £200 these days. Don`t let an extra £50 put you off buying a machine that will work a hell of a lot better.

RE: £128 for the PROLINE DVD2000 can u go wrong?

cw2000 (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 23rd January 2001, 23:25

Only problems I have found with the Oritron 600 are menu lock ups on some of the Farscape discs (but episodes selectable by using TITLE) and vol 2 the 3 episode disc won`t play ( their have been QC issues with the Farscape disc though)

Otherwise it has played everything thrown at it with no probs:

T2UE, Abyss, ID4, Matrix

even plays RCE disc when in ALL region mode.

Oritron 600 is on firmware 003.

RE: £128 for the PROLINE DVD2000 can u go wrong?

Blazingmonga (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 23rd January 2001, 23:28

Is it really that bad?

Thats a shame, as my Proline 1000 has been flawless, for what it offers at least.


RE: £128 for the PROLINE DVD2000 can u go wrong?

NotKingfisherGroupHonest (Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 24th January 2001, 01:15

£128? That`s a lot of money for a DVD player

I`d take those negative opinions with a pinch of salt - I got a Proline DVD-2000 for just under £100 from Comet three weeks ago, and it works fine, although I haven`t tried "Farscape" (and don`t plan to, either). Other "problem" DVDs work perfectly. Maybe I`ve been lucky, but I`m still waiting for all the horrible things predicted above to happen. So far it has behaved perfectly, picture and sound quality are every bit as good as my brother`s year-old Sony player. Frankly, I suspect a bit of brand-snobbery in some of the previous posts. Even if I`m wrong, I`ve only wasted £100, and if and when this Proline unit goes wrong, I`ll hopefully be able to buy a `proper` DVD player for much less than they cost now.
It IS plasticky and non-beautiful, although it`s pleasingly compact and the remote`s actually quite usable. It`s also very easy to make it region-free (no disc-menu-1-6-7-mute) and even plays R1 discs on PAL-only TVs (better quality if you have a NTSC TV, thought).

RE: £128 for the PROLINE DVD2000 can u go wrong?

Johnno (Harmless) posted this on Friday, 26th January 2001, 23:45

Well done for such a sensible reply. Too much of the forums seem to be about people with no real knowledge spouting off to create an impression. And not everyone can afford names like Arcam, Sony, Panasonic etc. Let`s just enjoy what we can afford.....

RE: £128 for the PROLINE DVD2000 can u go wrong?

Dean Garraghty (Competent) posted this on Monday, 29th January 2001, 20:14

The problem I was referring to, is the well known sound glitches affecting all Oritron models. When playing a Dolby 5.1 disc the sound will glitch and crackle on almost all discs. Dolby Mono, 2.0, and surround are always OK. I know this first hand because I have a Matsui 110 (re-badged Oritron 200), and that does it. As far as I and Currys know, Oritron has never fixed this. Indeed, the Oritron 600s sold for 99quid at Christmas all suffered from this problem even though they have a newer firmware than the old 110, suggesting this sound problem is a fundamental design problem and not firmware. Until we know for sure that the problem is fixed I would genuinely stay away from any DVD player made by Oritron.

RE: £128 for the PROLINE DVD2000 can u go wrong?

william (Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 3rd April 2001, 23:15

regard to the cyberhome dvd that was suggested instead of proline 2000 - don`t I had 2 of them the 1st wouldn`t output the left sound channel the 2nd died after TWO MONTHS. Changed them for proline 2000 no problems, better picture sound everything. only thing missing is how to turn off macrovision.

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