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Recommend me a Sub?

Saruman (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 15th July 2003, 20:45

Hi guys,

Can someone receommend me a sub on a tight budget.

I want something that will `do` for the bedroom, Im not too fussed how loud it is or if it is all singing all dancing.

Many thanks

For the man who doesn`t take himself as seriously as his moisturising regime.

RE: Recommend me a Sub?

mickymcd2 (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 15th July 2003, 21:01

cant go wrong with the eltax a-8 bought mine from qed year ago performs well

RE: Recommend me a Sub?

Big Adam (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 16th July 2003, 08:29

And I just saw exactly that sub sell for a smidge over £31 on ebay!!

Worth checking out for similar bargains.

Big A

I let my mind wander....and it didn`t come back.

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