Page 1 of Wharfedale DVD-750 - Upgrade Chip

Hardware Forum

Wharfedale DVD-750 - Upgrade Chip

johnnyrotten (Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 6th July 2003, 17:16

I own a Wharfedale DVD-750. I hear there is an upgrade chip available because it doesn`t play some DVD`s.

Anyone any idea where I might get one?

This item was edited on Sunday, 6th July 2003, 18:16

RE: Wharfedale DVD-750 - Upgrade Chip

sput2001 (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 9th July 2003, 12:41

I tried a couple of years ago to get one via Tesco`s customer helpline (they were originally only available via Tesco), they put me on a waiting list and said they`d be in touch but I heard nothing for ages. I chased them up and they said that they`d been waiting for ages for new chips from Wharfedale, and didn`t know when (or even if) they would arrive.

I eventually chopped my DVD750 in for a new player anyway, so the problem went away.

There are ways of getting round the problems on some of the troublesome discs. On Jaws, for example, if you press "GOTO 1" you`ll get past the menu screen & the film will start.

"there`s a thin line between clever and...stupid"

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