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Letterbox on Scan and matrix pain

JoJoBhoy (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 17th January 2001, 12:41

Scan DVD player with matrix...

Is there any way I can get rid of the black Letterbox around the matrix (also blade) I have tried the 3 settings in the Scan options with no luck - is this a tv thing cause it takes up a fair chuink of the TV ?

RE: Letterbox on Scan and matrix pain

Norman Voles (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 17th January 2001, 16:00

The Matrix has an aspect ratio of 2.35:1, so it SHOULD have black bars at top and bottom (even on pan & scan) - if it didn`t you would only get about a third of the picture. A widescreen telly helps, but I don`t know of any which are 2.35:1!


for more info than you probably need ...


RE: Letterbox on Scan and matrix pain

DaveyG (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 17th January 2001, 21:07

I have a wide screen sony trinatron... you can zoom the picture in to remove the black bars... although the picture quality degrades slightly...

RE: Letterbox on Scan and matrix pain

ppravier (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 18th January 2001, 09:45

You could use the Zoom function of the Scan player as well.

RE: Letterbox on Scan and matrix pain

Norman Voles (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 18th January 2001, 14:15

The zoom function on the SCAN is too severe for this purpose I believe - you want some picture left surely?


RE: Letterbox on Scan and matrix pain

wooler (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 19th January 2001, 00:18

Could another scan owner please check the Tv aspect settings on their machine as I believe mine are mixed up (ie 16:9 wide setting gives a pan & Scan picture on my non widescreen t.v) The settings on my machine read from top to bottom:
4:3 PS
4:3 LB
16:9 WIDE


RE: Letterbox on Scan and matrix pain

Norman Voles (Competent) posted this on Friday, 19th January 2001, 13:57

Do not use the 16:9 setting, that is for wide tellys only. Pan and scan has never worked for me - has to be programmed on the DVD I believe. Use 4:3 LB.


RE: Letterbox on Scan and matrix pain

ppravier (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 19th January 2001, 14:11

It has in fact to be programmed in the DVD. Unfortunately the movie makers don`t do that often.
If you have a 2:35 movie, and therefore wide black bands, I think that the zoom function is fine (at the X2 setting) because it will be close to fit eh imag in width. It means that you`ll loose of course pictures from the sides, but not from the height.
Whatever you do anyway you`ll have to loose some bit of pictures, unless you want to stretch it, therefore loosing the aspect ratio.

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