Page 1 of Scan SC2000 with new firmware 204s : mp3 playback is excellent now.

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Scan SC2000 with new firmware 204s : mp3 playback is excellent now.

ppravier (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 17th January 2001, 12:23

My tests with the new firmware are very interesting. I upgraded from the 192 to 204s :

ALL my mp3 playback problems are solved. No more flanging on the leading voice, no more problems with the 96 KHz mono files.
The sound has no glitches anymore.
So for that respect, upgrading from firmware 192 to 204s is brilliant.

Quality-wise I can recommend the Scan SC2000 player for mp3 playback, it seems to be able play any type of mp3 without glitches (and I am picky).

By the way, in order not to waste a CD-R for just storing the 512KBytes firmware I began a multisession disc. The first session just contains the firmware. When I created the disc I closed the session, but not the disc itself. The DVD player accepted the disc to upgrade the firmware without difficulties.
Therefore I can now add around 600 MBytes of files in a second session for other purposes. Of course, as it is said in the upgrade doc I created the CD in Mode 2/XA mode, not Mode 1.

RE: Scan SC2000 with new firmware 204s : mp3 playback is excellent now.

shadowze (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 17th January 2001, 13:15

Lucky Boy ..... Did the same
Now the time counter will not count properly.....

Great Firmware update NOT

RE: Scan SC2000 with new firmware 204s : mp3 playback is excellent now.

nelley (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 17th January 2001, 13:35

Usual problem.One problem gets solved,another crops up.Version
2.08 available soon.As soon as it is it will be downloadable from this s

RE: Scan SC2000 with new firmware 204s : mp3 playback is excellent now.

MartinG (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 17th January 2001, 14:07

So if I buy one over the counter will it definitely have firmware 204s? Also is there are a demo facility at the Bolton site?

RE: Scan SC2000 with new firmware 204s : mp3 playback is excellent now.

xeno (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 17th January 2001, 14:37

Upgraded from v1.93 to 2.04.

After upgrade was complete there was no sound when playing mp3`s-took me to apply the upgrade twice more before it would play them.
The forwarding and rewinding during mp3 playback is far better now but apart from that i have not noticed any real significant changes.

What is v 2.08 supposed to fix and improve?

RE: Scan SC2000 with new firmware 204s : mp3 playback is excellent now.

Le Borne (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 17th January 2001, 15:28


It`s not as if CD-R`s are expensive....

Hope this helps!

RE: Scan SC2000 with new firmware 204s : mp3 playback is excellent now.

ppravier (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 17th January 2001, 16:02

As Xeno said the forward/rewind facilities when playing mp3 files are in fact less sticky than with the 192 firmware. That`s another good point.

What is this counter problem that appeared with the 2.04 firmware ? I watched a DVD movie last evening and the counter was going well. The counter displayed on the TV while you listen to mp3 was going well too (I didn`t look at the LCD display though).

RE: Scan SC2000 with new firmware 204s : mp3 playback is excellent now.

ppravier (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 17th January 2001, 16:03

Yes CD-R are not expensive anymore, maybe I kept an old habit of 5 years ago when they were more than 5 pounds each !

RE: Scan SC2000 with new firmware 204s : mp3 playback is excellent now.

xeno (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 17th January 2001, 17:12

Like i said in the earlier forum i havent noticed any problems with the counter before or after the upgrade.I have however noticed times when the machine has been unresponsive after the upgrade.

For example refusing to close the tray or sometimes even powerdown.
My replacement player should be arriving tomorrow and it will be interesting to see how it compares with my knackered one.
If i am satisfied with the performance of the replacement i doubt if i will upgrade the firmware as the negatives seem to outweigh the positives.
And macrovision will still be off anyway.

RE: Scan SC2000 with new firmware 204s : mp3 playback is excellent now.

MartinG (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 18th January 2001, 09:01

Let us know how it performs Xeno. I`m still debating whether to buy one.

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