Page 1 of BLU-RAY vs DVD...

Hardware Forum


sport (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 5th March 2003, 17:04

OK so sony`s new blu-ray recorder looks impressive, in price as well as features unfortunately !
A couple of questions.

1: I`ve heard that DVD enthusiasts have nothing to fear because the blu-ray players will all be `backwards compatible` i.e. existing DVD discs will play on them, as they will have a red laser as well as a blue one. Any news on this ?

2:How much space does current DVD-level picture quality (i.e. on existing discs) take up ?

3:Will it be possible to record from video tapes ?

4:How much space will TV recording take up ? (How many hours can you fit onto a disc?
Any help much appreciated !!!!


zipman (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 5th March 2003, 17:36

Okay, some answers,

1). It is true that Blu-Ray cannot play current DVD`s or CD`s because they need a red laser. It would be stupid of the manufacturers not to enclose both lasers in the machines needed for backwards compatibility. But there is no guarantees they will include both! Also a blu-ray recording will not play back in a red laser machine! So you may not be able to watch them in your bedroom DVD player or round your mates.

2). Current recordable DVD`s are 4.7Gb, which is good for 1hr HQ, 2hrs SP, 3hrs EP, 4hrs EP+. Either way, they are all better than VHS!

3). It will be possible to record from Video tapes like you can with current DVD recorders, obviously you will need a macro buster, CP2S from Lektropacks for £39, if you want to copy pre-recorded copyright films.

4). TV recording takes up no more space than DVD recording. Blu-Ray discs can store up to 27Gb on one disc, enough for most peoples complete PC backup! and 54Gb on a flipper. Sonys Discs will store 23Gb, recording wise, about 2hrs High Definition and so on .... per side or dual layered. Other manufacturers discs will vary in storage size.
Because blu-ray can record in such a condensed space on the disc the recording quality is supposed to be outstanding, far superior to current DVD recording.

Mind you, I read that Sony are asking $3800 for their recorder, a bit out of my league!

Hope this helps.


This item was edited on Wednesday, 5th March 2003, 18:02

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