Page 1 of Transvestite Anyone?

Hardware Forum

Transvestite Anyone?

Agent Smith (Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 30th December 2000, 16:57

I`m looking for a decent rear projection TV. I`ve looked at the Sony KP61PS1 but its not widescreen, the alternative is the Toshiba 56WH08B.

Any suggestions, or anyone who has the Tosh?

RE: Transvestite Anyone?

Andy (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 30th December 2000, 17:12

Well mate

The sony I hate as I had one and had nowt but problem

The tosh is pretty good as a mate of mine got it and I like it but i have a Thomson Widescreen rear and I love it to bit

Then again we all have our own views

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