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Major problems with Philips DVD recorders!

Desk (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 18th January 2003, 10:42

If anyone`s considering buying a Philips DVD recorder they might want to wait a couple of months until the new models come out, because, as many here will attest, the company`s current recorders seem to be riddled with bugs.

Faults are now becoming so widespread that on the pro DVD+R forum they`re running polls to try and chart the extent of the problem, and the results are simply shocking....;act=ST;f=4;t=4832

The problems are seemingly endless, including machines gradually refusing to read pre-recorded disks, switching off during recording, the timer not working, the machine locking up completely, white-outs during recordings from video, failure to finalise disks, blocky lines appearing in recordings and successfully recorded disks later refusing to be recognised.

A general browse of the forum reveals endless tales of woe....;act=SF;f=4;st=0

I have to say I`m surprised there`s not more widespread coverage of the problems with these Philips recorders, in home cinema magazines or mainstream media such as TV shows like Watchdog.

It`s also frustrating that these Philips standalone recorders are seemingly selling very well yet have a monopoly on DVD+R, so if you want to adopt this increasingly popular format you`ve currently no choice but to buy a machine that has a good chance of being riddled with problems and bugs.. :(


This item was edited on Saturday, 18th January 2003, 10:53

RE: Major problems with Philips DVD recorders!

JimK (Harmless) posted this on Monday, 20th January 2003, 09:50

Thanks for your comments regarding Philips DVD Recorders. I`ve had one problem after another with my model 1000. Wont play pre-recorded discs, wont record, wont finalise etc..

I was thinking it was me but after reading your message it`s clear that Philips have not got it right. So why is there very little publicity asking Philips to get their act together?



RE: Major problems with Philips DVD recorders!

ICPurvis (Harmless) posted this on Monday, 20th January 2003, 21:23

What percentage of these 880s etc. are experiencing these problems? Are they only the ones that have been multi-region hacked or otherwise modded? I have an 880 with ff11h firmware, and haven`t had any problems at all. Perhaps someone ought to collect all these Philips threads together into one thread, and do some statistics.

Regards, Iain

RE: Major problems with Philips DVD recorders!

Desk (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Monday, 20th January 2003, 22:48

As Mark Twain said, "There are three types of lies. Lies, damn lies and statistics."

I`m not sure how best to interpret the results of these polls, but at present over 40% of those participating in the latest have reported problems (excluding any caused by firmware upgrades).

In the case of recorders refusing to read pre-recorded disks the problem often only manifests itself after several weeks of use, so this might explain why reports of faults seem to be rapidly increasing.

Putting statistics aside here are links to a small sampling of very alarming anecdotal evidence...;act=SF;f=4;act=ST;f=4;t=3514;act=ST;f=4;t=4553;act=ST;f=4;t=4339


This item was edited on Monday, 20th January 2003, 22:52

RE: Major problems with Philips DVD recorders!

thfccambs (Harmless) posted this on Friday, 24th January 2003, 11:34

I was given this number by a trader 02086894444told them i was trader and they put me to a technician straight away.

RE: Major problems with Philips DVD recorders!

worried man (Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 25th January 2003, 15:18

I have a new Philips DVDR 890
It is locked up and in the display it reads

What does this mean?

It is not in the Operators handdook.

RE: Major problems with Philips DVD recorders!

zipman (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 25th January 2003, 17:36

It means it`s f*****d like everyone elses.

Take it back and exchange it for a Panny.

RE: Major problems with Philips DVD recorders!

John72 (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 25th January 2003, 22:28


I am suprised that Philips hasen`t recalled these DVD Recorders, and done something about all the problems and bugs in them, since they are such a big and major company.

This would sort everything out for everybody.

What does everyone else think/say?

Thankyou, John.

RE: Major problems with Philips DVD recorders!

worried man (Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 26th January 2003, 01:53

I had to do a shutdown and reboot and then restart the machine to get it to respond to the remote control. The fact that this proceedure is in the operator manual indicates that Philips is aware of a need to reboot the machine. But they are also aware that the machine can get stuck in a mode of operation for resellors and there is no information how that happens or how a resellor gets out of that loop.
It seems as if an accidental keying of the remote control can send the machine off on its own and a reboot is all they offer as a fix.

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