Info and forum posts by 'ICPurvis'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Saturday, 28th December 2002, 21:13, Last used: Monday, 18th April 2011, 15:45

Access Level: Harmless

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This user has posted a total of 10 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: A solid with a constant width is a sphere... right?

and let`s not forget that hoary old favourite of physics teachers across the galaxy, Kundt`s Tube!

RE: What is the fastest you have driven a car/ bike at?

When I was an apprentice at Ford`s Product Development Group at Dunton in Essex, we had one of the pre-production Granada V6s, then still code named MH but known as Hummers.  No badges or company logos, completely anonymous.  Managed to get it up to 100 indicated (probably about 95 actual) on the stretch of the A127 Southend Arterial Road between Dunton and Basildon roundabouts.  A bit scary, especially as it was not a production car and they had a habit of having important little bits drop off at inopportune moments.  If I remember rightly, the right hand tail light cluster was hanging out by its cables when we got back to Dunton.

RE: Major problems with Philips DVD recorders!

What percentage of these 880s etc. are experiencing these problems? Are they only the ones that have been multi-region hacked or otherwise modded? I have an 880 with ff11h firmware, and haven`t had any problems at all. Perhaps someone ought to collect all these Philips threads together into one thread, and do some statistics.

Regards, Iain

RE: Phillips DVDR880 Recorder - Faults

Ok, So I boobed!

My firmware is ff11h, but I have not had any problems. I haven`t tried +Rs, and I haven`t Multi-regioned it (yet), so it`s just as it came out of the box. Think I`ll leave it alone, if it ain`t broke, don`t fix it!

Regards, Iain.

RE: Philips DVDR890 Nightmare

My DVDR880 has no problems with +RW or prerecorded discs, I haven`t tried it on +R yet. The +RW discs I have burned won`t play on my Minato DVD-G1, but work perfectly on my Sony Laptop. I thought that my firmware was FP13, until someone pointed out that I was reading the wrong line of the dump, so I will recheck and report back.

Regards, Iain


I have had my Philips 880 since just after Xmas, and have had *absolutely* no trouble with recording or playback on +RW and playback of pre-recorded DVD films. I haven`t yet used any +R discs, as I haven`t wanted to keep anything I`ve recorded yet. The only fly in the ointment is the fact that my Minato DVD-G1 refuses to acknowledge that a +RW disc has been inserted, even if the bit-setting routine has been followed. However, they play perfectly on my Sony Vaio laptop!

Regards, Iain

RE: Phillips DVDR880 Recorder - Faults

Hi Nigel,

I checked the firmware version as you said, and it would appear that I have a version FP13!!!

The listing on the screen includes:

Copyright Philips 1998 - 2002
DI 110308 AN 110039 SV64
BE 20.9.13 DV not present FP13

and a couple of lines of base addresses.

I assume that this means that I do not need an upgrade, has anyone else met with FP13 yet?

Regards, Iain.

RE: Phillips DVDR880 Recorder - Faults

Thanks Nigel, I`ll try that and get back later in the week. Regards, Iain.

RE: Phillips DVDR880 Recorder - Faults

OK, so maybe I have this to look forward to ;-) How do I find out what version of firmware my (two week old) DVDR880 is? And how do I upgrade it if it needs it? I also need to know if the problem I have with my Minato not recognising DVD+RWs recorded on this machine could be eliminated by upgrading. Ref my previous on

Regards, Iain, Rugby

This item was edited on Monday, 6th January 2003, 23:16

A (Philips) DVD+RW disc cannot be played on certain DVD players (eg Minato)

If I record a TV program onto a DVD+RW in my new Philips DVDR880 (bought from Comet), it will not play in my Minato DVD-G1 (bought from Tesco), even if I follow the instructions for rewriting the disc ID bits on page 77 of the Philips handbook (open drawer, press 2 (or 3) until drawer closes, wait for disc to be remarked as DVD_ROM).

As the Minato is only about 18 months old, I am not intending to dispose of it, but I would like it to be made able to play recordings made on the Philips. Do you know of any other actions which can be taken on either the Philips or the Minato which will solve this dilemma? Alternatively, is there a firmware upgrade for the Minato which will enable it to read DVD+RW?

Regards, I. C. Purvis, Rugby, England.