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Is it worth forking out an extra £100!!!!!!!!!!!11

Christoff2k (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 27th December 2000, 20:17

Is it worth forking out an extra £100 for the DTS version of the videologic system???

Is DTS really that good!!!!!!!!

RE: Is it worth forking out an extra £100!!!!!!!!!!!11

Tricky Dicky (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 27th December 2000, 22:53

If u r going to spend that sort of money buy something like the sherwood or yamaha offerings not some box designed for the pc. I`ve listened to a lot of these systems and I assure u that, if u r going to do something, u may as well do it properly.

Example.....Sherwood RVD6095 dolby/DTS amp......200
Gale SW5 sub.....................................60
Gale centre 10.....................................40
JPW ML310 rear..................................40
JPW ML510 front.................................60
Total...................................................400 quid+sundry`s

If short of money you can always upgrade speakers at a later date. Start with the best sub and front surround speakers you can afford and at a later date move front speakers to rear and replace with a higher quality pair. Alway`s think ahead as I have done and you may end up with a system like mine, over the top but proud of it.

This item was edited on Thursday, 28th December 2000, 11:02

RE: Is it worth forking out an extra £100!!!!!!!!!!!11

clayts (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 27th December 2000, 23:30

Totally agree that one-box (well six actually) solutions are rarely as good as amps. The reports I`ve heard suggest the ViddyLogic is good for the money, but only if your living room is the size of your sister`s doll`s house`s living room.

Tinny, whistling, lack of oomph are just a few minor criticisms of that system. I would always favour separates, and Tricky`s suggestions are pretty spot on, altho` I`d probably swap the sub for an Eltax or even the JPW SW40. (Note, all of these are available from ).

I`m toying with Eltax Century 205 floorstanders (front) and Eltax HT2 centre speaker (total £100) to replace my JPW Mini Monitors (pre-cursors to the 310s) - anyone else got this set up (I`ve also got an Eltax A8 sub) ? I`ve got a Yammy A5, but funds are tight so I can`t go for Tannoys or Missions.

This item was edited on Wednesday, 27th December 2000, 23:31

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