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Scart lead help

dokiclover72uk (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 3rd January 2003, 23:07

Does any one know where i can get a good quality scart lead for a good price???

Thanx for looking

RE: Scart lead help

Pete-MK (Elite Donator) posted this on Friday, 3rd January 2003, 23:31

well, there are many several buildings called `shops`. Look for ones that have things in the window that look like you have to plug them in before they work. If you go into these `shops` they will invariably have `other stuff`, some of which will probably be scart leads.

Only joking! seriously, the best place to go would be those small service shops that recondition TV`s and video recorders. They usually have very little mark-up so they don`t over-charge for the small things.

RE: Scart lead help

RichardH (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 4th January 2003, 09:02

Best place I can suggest is - the BTech ribbon scarts are excellent, and good value - £16.61 delivered for a 1.5m one. The non-ribbon ones are meant to be pretty good too if you want to save acouple of quid. Much cheaper than Richer Sounds` offerings, and at least as good.

RE: Scart lead help

Nikon (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 4th January 2003, 11:55

I`m having a bit of a sort out here and still feel a little christmasy so send me your address and I`ll send you one.


RE: Scart lead help

gingerone (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 4th January 2003, 12:43

While your having a clearout, you don`t have a spare dvd player do you?

RE: Scart lead help

Nikon (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 4th January 2003, 23:32

Actually I do but I think that I`ll have to sell this along with lots of other toys (Garmin Etrex Vista GPS, Palm 500, Ricoh digital camera etc) will have to start posting some in the for sale soon.


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