Page 1 of Help!! Samsung DVD811 - Out of Guarantee......

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Help!! Samsung DVD811 - Out of Guarantee......

Justin (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 11th December 2002, 23:57


I have had this player for about a year, but it has always done this. I first put this down to layer changing but I am not so sure now?

This happens on almost every DVD I play regardless of format or region, after around an hour it starts to Freeze and on some occasions stops completely. I am not sure if it is a heat problem. I cleaned the laser and added some (Sparingly) Graphite Powder to the laser slide rail.

I played a known problem DVD at the problem point for around 10 Mins play..I thought GREAT I`ve cracked it. The following night I decided I would play Spiderman another problem DVD... and after around 1 hour+ playing time..track twenty soemthing it just froze, and reset to the begining of the film. I skipped to the same chapter and when it got to the same point it did it again. I then tried another problem disc i have played many times and it started to freeze as always on the same parts of the film as it always did. (So I have failed miserably)

Has anyone got any ideas on this? Experienced the same problems?

Any advice would be greatfully recieved...

P.S Sorry for the War & Peace, but I wanted to give a good outline of the problem.


This item was edited on Wednesday, 11th December 2002, 23:59

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