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To BOSE or not to BOSE?

jktemp (Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 28th November 2002, 10:15

The answer is YES.
Many people will jump and say WHY?......
In my opinion BOSE is like Mercedes. It`s a car that loses almost all "measuring contests". Always someone can say that you can get a far better car with almost half the price. In all "measurements" you can find a "better" car with less money (even a fiat has better performance, you can have more luxury and performance with a lancia..... ). But what is making this car to be one of the best in the world?... the way you feel driving it, the envy it creates, the complicated simplicity it has (when you press the gas pedal a symphony of mechanical and electronical changes are triggered... but you only care that it gives you the optimum feeling), the prestige it offers you, the ergonomy that you appreciate more every day, it`s name and it`s BOSE music system is the recipy of perfection. Changing perfection you can only have something not perfect (more luxury would be too much to enjoy the car, more performance would kill the prestige and the feeling... ). So perfection is not always matter of "measurements" but a matter of a right recipy with right quantities (some cars might give more horse power in a particular amound of rpm but won`t give the smoothness in all rpm range....). Perfection cannot be measured with numbers but with feelings, it`s the difference between beauty (with "ISO standards") and charm (right recipy of plus and minus that you can love and not like). Why would someone want a car so luxurius he would be "afraid" to use it and not so ergonomic that he would have to spend energy in vain to make simple things?
It`s not a coincidence that Mercedes have chosen BOSE as the premium audio choice.


RE: To BOSE or not to BOSE?

sj (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 28th November 2002, 11:28

So, that`s the blurb from Mercedes or Bose?
And which one pays your salary?


RE: To BOSE or not to BOSE?

gingerone (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 28th November 2002, 12:10

Well that`s your opinion, personally I think it`s overpriced and aimed squarely at people with plenty of money but little knowledge.

RE: To BOSE or not to BOSE?

RichardH (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 28th November 2002, 12:12

Who said anything about Bose losing out in measurement tests? It`s the subjective ones that we should take note of. As you say, measurements cannot prove what is "best" - whether it is in the car field - so what if brand X has a 0-60 slightly quicker than brand Y - or in audio. I`m reminded of a really old newspaper ad for the Citroen 2CV - it was along the lines of "just as fast as a Mercedes at 60mph - same number of wheels as a BMW...etc".

Returning to Bose. All audio is subjective - it is based on the listener`s perception of the sound they hear. Obviously ease of use, tactile quality, materials used, etc will all have an effect, but it is the listener`s enjoyment of the audio that should be the ultimate measure. No-one else can tell you which is "best" - your own ears need to decide. Others can guide and compare, and this is an invaluable help.
I think a telling comment is "the envy it creates" - surely this is not a reason for purchasing a car or an audio system? Bose - like Mercedes - has become a premium brand, and will always have a market amongst people who just like to say "I`ve got a Bose" - it`s shorthand for certain values. If one were to say "I`ve got a Armageddon LP12 with Aro tonearm, Naim 52 with supercap, 135`s and tripamped Isobariks", then most are going to say "what?" and also "so what?". The fact that that system (while a lot more expensive than any Bose setup) would knock anyone`s socks off is irrelevant. I`d be completely unsurprised if a "budget" setup from any number of British hifi manufacturers didn`t - in subjective listening tests - "beat" a Bose system. I'd much prefer a "stealth" system that delivers a musical performance and delights those who listen to it, rather than a brand name to wave at people. Perhaps that is inverted snobbery, but I really think that Bose is to audio what frozen ready meals are to a home cooked, freshly prepared meal.

Of course, this is all IMHO!!!


RE: To BOSE or not to BOSE?

kywy (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 30th November 2002, 07:03

Close your eyes and be swept away by the majesty of the music, the presence of the lead vocalist and the delicacy of the strings.

Oh Sorry! You Can`t! You won`t be able to see the Bose logo.

As RichardH eloquently points out, sound is subjective full stop. Use your ears and brain and what sounds right is right.
Any audiophile will talk your ears off about the equipment and its spec and undoubtably high price. Sad Sad Sad!
Although my main sound system has some quite old equipment : Kef 104,s / Rega Planer 3 / AR Cambridge amp etc it still, in MY opinion knocks spots off many others I`ve heard, but I have a large house and there are other less esoteric systems scattered round on which I`m just as happy to enjoy the music.
Yes, there is some rubbish out there. Yes, spending time and money with a professional advisor like the 42%er is a sensible approach and Yes,It would be improper to tell someone what not to buy, ( it is their money ) but too many people enjoy talking about the equipment and not listening to the music.
Enjoy the music first, second and third .

This item was edited on Saturday, 30th November 2002, 09:14

RE: To BOSE or not to BOSE?

The original 42pcenter MD (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 30th November 2002, 13:22

Jktemp, I have to agree with every thing you say. Apart from the bit about Bose sounding good (at it`s price point) (this is my personal opinion and not that of any related company)

I have BOSE avalible to me and no doubt it would sell. It`s small, looks good and makes alot of noise for the size of it. But the simple fact is you can get better build, better features, better upgrade options and the subjective one, better sound repoduction from a not so well known and cheaper brand.

To alot of people BOSE has the qudos of ownership. This is down to great marketing and it has to be said some good inovations. But to me real qudos would be owning something like the new Arcam P7/AV8 with the new Jamo THX ultra2 speakers or to have some Mark Levinson or Krell gear. They are up there with the top Mercs of this word. But most people would have no idea about these products.

With regards to Mercs now having BOSE speakers this is down to the above mentioned marketing. "If Mercs have got them they must be good" Most people who know anything about car speakers would proberly go for J L Audio, Infinerty ect.

May I ask where your sudden defence of BOSE has come from? (apart from owning a Lifestyle 28)

I must also add this is not sour grapes as I don`t sell the product but the reasons why I do not sell the product.

If somone came in and asked about BOSE I try not to slag it off but let the equipment do the talking.

Once again these are only my personal opinions and not that of any related company.

All the best,

The 42%er.

This item was edited on Saturday, 30th November 2002, 16:21

RE: To BOSE or not to BOSE?

Westy (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 30th November 2002, 20:48

For Westy, not to Bose.

Sadly, my Uncle possesses a Bose system, and forms part of the reason we haven`t spoken since its purchase in 2001. (joke).

When he got it he couldn`t wait for me to hear it - despite major warnings that it would not sound up to scratch compared to my, `big gold box, (3802) and even bigger black boxes, (Acoustic energy speakers and massive Yammy sub). I went round and he swiftly threw some Phil Collins into the CD player, (no accounting for taste obviously). I have to say, the sound was mildly average to say the least. I`m not saying sound was p*** poor, but christ, these things cost over £1000 and don`t even sound it. It`s like Bose are penalising people for making such tiny speakers. It`s all lumpy bass and fizzy treble, no control at high volumes,poor midrange. The list goes on...

I told him that next time he was in Cardiff to pay me a visit. He did, and i promptly gave him a demo fo what my `Gold box and even bigger black boxes` were like up against his `cute and sleek cubes`. I will never EVER forget the look of sheer worry as the USS Arizona went up in Pearl Harbour with it`s feisty DTS sound, his face was an absolute picture. Then the chase through Paris in Ronin, the shootout in Heat, Podracing in Star Wars, he wanted to hear more.

Then, some Eagles on CD in stereo, followed by the same track in Pro Logic 2. He was gutted, because for the small price premium of around £500 more, i had built a system that totally caned a Bose system on a total sound for pound basis.

This is all subjective as they say, but i can confidently say that Bose just isn`t worth the money, and not even a Mercedes can make it sound good.

If rich people had more sense than money, they`d go out and buy the far better sounding Acoustic Energy Aego P5 system instead...


RE: To BOSE or not to BOSE? (Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 6th December 2003, 14:04

Interesting reading the differing views on BOSE products on this site. We are a retailer of BOSE and other products including Artcoustic speakers. We looked at many brands, selecting BOSE because they give us massive support, offer a good reliable product, advertise worldwide and give the consumer a premium brand at a price that the majority of my customers are willing to pay for. They are not the best but alas when living in a normal house, you need to achieve the best sound with the least disruption to living conditions. Simplicity of use is another feature and in my opinion, of major importance.
We offer a wide range of plasma and LCD screens which fit very well with what BOSE have to offer both in performance and style.
I for one would detest being surrounded by acres of shiny Chinese products when investing a few grand in a system for the average lounge.

RE: To BOSE or not to BOSE?

The original 42pcenter MD (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 7th December 2003, 11:47

Bloody hell, where did you dig this one up from.

advertise worldwide and give the consumer a premium brand at a price that the majority of my customers are willing to pay for.
That prety much sums up what others are saying.

Branding and marketing.

I believe the Jamo DVR50/A305PDD does every thing the Bose can do and better. Small, looks great (Danish styling. Very clean lines), performs very well and all for £600.

Do you have John James from Bose visit you? Say hello from be if you do.

Now, Artcoustic is another matter. Here

All the best,

The 42%er.

This item was edited on Sunday, 7th December 2003, 11:49

RE: To BOSE or not to BOSE?

Westy (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 7th December 2003, 13:26

I still stand by my views.

Bose systems go for the `exciting wall of sound` approach which just has big lumpy bass, fizzy treble and shouty midrange at a price that people with more money than sense would only pay for. Even now, my dear Uncle with his Lifestyle movie system, is totally gutted that my newly constructed Marantz/Mission/MJ Acoustics system completely wipes the floor with his `small and discreet` speakers.

Heck, he`s even surprised that my Acoustic Energy Aego`s kill it for sound quality, and that`s FACT. Bose drivers are very poor and cost next to nothing to make, yet the price is outrageous.

Ok, so people who can afford it will want to buy it to impress their cigar smoking, caviar eating, Pernod drinking, Lexus driving, (with Mark Levinson sound system) friends. But blindfold any of these people and sit them in front of the Bose system, then switch to a more traditional set up - hell even the Aego`s, and every time i guarantee the Bose will be the underdog.

I despise the brand simply because it`s a rip off and try`s to be something it certainly is not. If the prices were more `real world`, (blimey the Bose systems don`t do anything more, or contain better electronics, than mid priced AV/Hifi gear), then i still wouldn`t like it cause to my ears, it sounds average at best. But that`s just my opinion of course ;)

Even those bizarre, tall, multi driver speakers they use in pubs don`t excite me!

Never mind


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