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what do i need ??

illusio (Competent) posted this on Monday, 4th November 2002, 21:40

i have a nicam stereo tv and dvd player ( with dolby digital playback (digital output) what do i need to buy to obtain the full movie effect sound thing everyone talks about. The instruction booklet mentions something about a sub woofer and that i "must apply a dolby pro logic coded input to the tv" !!!! Where do i get it from and whats the most functional/cheapest around. Many thanks to anyone who can help.

RE: what do i need ??

Mike G (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 5th November 2002, 10:51

Any DVD player will output a Dolby Pro Logic matrixed signal through its normal stereo outputs. If you hook it up to your TV through SCART, you`ll be able to get Pro Logic surround sound from your DVDs.

To get the "full movie effect sound thing everyone talks about", however, you`ll need a set-up capable of decoding Dolby Digital 5.1 (and, optionally, DTS 5.1) signals from your DVD player`s digital output. Your TV only decodes analogue Dolby Pro Logic, which is a much older (and less effective) technology.

Basically, if you want the full movie surround experience, forget about using your TV`s built-in sound and buy some proper digital surround kit. I`m sure others on this forum will be able to advise you about what to get.


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