Page 1 of Advise: which player do you think is better Goodmans 124 or Tosh sd220e?

Hardware Forum

Advise: which player do you think is better Goodmans 124 or Tosh sd220e?

Gyunkman (Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 29th October 2002, 15:27

I have the luxury of owning both players, but I`m selling one to a friend (as I don`t need both!) I`m not sure which is the better of the two players. Does anyone know which is the best/why it is the best?

Both are good. The Goodmans plays my Spiderman SVCD flawlessly. My new Tosh has some trouble with it. The CD pauses sometimes and the speech isn`t quite in synch with the picture! Does anyone know why this is?

RE: Advise: which player do you think is better Goodmans 124 or Tosh sd220e?

Alan Titherington (Reviewer) posted this on Tuesday, 29th October 2002, 15:28

shouldn`t this be in the hardware forum?

RE: Advise: which player do you think is better Goodmans 124 or Tosh sd220e?

Rob2 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 29th October 2002, 15:42

er,,,,,,,alan,,,this is the hardware forum.
I prefer the tosh personally but then its all down to personal choice and what you want facilities wise.

RE: Advise: which player do you think is better Goodmans 124 or Tosh sd220e?

snafu (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 30th October 2002, 02:06

OK here we go, dvd 101...

The 220e is an outstanding player. Unless observing through the bottom of a milk bottle or a dansai/alba/goodmans/bush tv it should be obvious that the picture quality is amazing. However, Toshiba adhere to the DVD Forum (spit on the ground) rules which means their machines are difficult to make region free and have problems with vcd/svcd or other formats.

Goodmans are cheap and cheerful Chinese sourced machines which play virtually anything (no bug***ing about with the consumer in Asia please note). Also, and this is critical, you can turn off macrovision in this machine easily in order to make back up copies of dvd discs to vhs video. This is a very rare feature.

So there you have it. Picture and build quality versus versatility. Let me know what price you`re looking.

RE: Advise: which player do you think is better Goodmans 124 or Tosh sd220e?

Alan Titherington (Reviewer) posted this on Wednesday, 30th October 2002, 09:00

ah yes Rob..but it wasn`t here when I posted :-)

*****Never deny the power of a moderator - MWAHAHAHAHA!!, Westy :-)*****

This item was edited on Wednesday, 30th October 2002, 11:02

RE: Advise: which player do you think is better Goodmans 124 or Tosh sd220e?

Rich_H (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 30th October 2002, 10:46


Some players by Tosh are hard to make region free. The SD220 is a piece of cake to change and it will play everything including RCE. So, yeah it is at least as versatile as the other player mentioned.



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