Page 1 of Philips Pixel Plus 32PW9527 - Help Needed!!!

Hardware Forum

Philips Pixel Plus 32PW9527 - Help Needed!!!

Neiliboy (Elite) posted this on Monday, 28th October 2002, 13:09


I`ve heard this is a truly PHAT machine, and am thinking of getting one however need some info.

1. If you have one whats it like - review please!!
2. Wheres the cheapest place i can buy one??

Many thanks


RE: Philips Pixel Plus 32PW9527 - Help Needed!!!

Nogle1 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Monday, 28th October 2002, 16:29

Hi Neiliboy

Yep this is a truly great machine picture quality is superb, sound great and the menu graphics a cool too.

Cheapst place ive seen is £970


This item was edited on Monday, 28th October 2002, 16:30

RE: Philips Pixel Plus 32PW9527 - Help Needed!!!

Paul Bromley (Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 29th October 2002, 20:35

I have got one of these t.v,s and they must be one of the best available, if you don`t believe me watch something like monsters inc on it and you will soon see. If you are watching region one DVD`s you can`t use the pixel plus mode only 100hz or progressive scan because of the ntsc mode. i brought mine from comet and got a free DVD/AV system with it and sold them as i did not need it, so mine worked out at £900. If i`d had to pay full price then it would have been worth it.

best quality picture t.v available once you are used to it.
Buy one now before it is too late.
Paul Bromley.

RE: Philips Pixel Plus 32PW9527 - Help Needed!!!

Neiliboy (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 30th October 2002, 09:13

Gents thankyou very much for your help!!!

RE: Philips Pixel Plus 32PW9527 - Help Needed!!!

Westy (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 30th October 2002, 11:05


Hold on, the Pixel Plus don`t have progressive scan....Only the Tosh Strata line has that


RE: Philips Pixel Plus 32PW9527 - Help Needed!!!

Tony Vado (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 30th October 2002, 18:29

Westy`s right- The Philips sets definitely don`t have Prog-scan capability, although one of the NTSC modes might be called something like that.

Paul- Are you sure you can`t use P+ with NTSC?. On my 9617 the two options are `Pixel Plus` (which is effectively the same as `Double Lines` as it runs at the native 60Hz) and `Digital Scan` (which is the equivalent of Pal 100Hz, except it runs at 120Hz). I`d certainly be surprised if the operating system for the 9527 is as different as you say. I thought the most significant difference between these newer sets and the old ones is the tubes used (most 32PW9617`s and ALL 36PW9607`s have Panasonic cast-offs).

RE: Philips Pixel Plus 32PW9527 - Help Needed!!!

Neiliboy (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 31st October 2002, 11:57

To be honest the most thats gonna be used for is hokking up the PS2 and the DVD Player via RGB Scart - or will that not give me good enough picture quality??

RE: Philips Pixel Plus 32PW9527 - Help Needed!!!

Paul Bromley (Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 31st October 2002, 20:33

Sorry for my mistake, when you are watching R1 discs you can only use,
Pixel Plus or progressive scan, when you are watching R2`s or terrestrial t.v you can watch them in 100Hz digital scan, pixel plus, or Double lines, had to check what it said in the menu system in each format, still a fantastic t.v

Paul Bromley.

RE: Philips Pixel Plus 32PW9527 - Help Needed!!!

Tony Vado (Competent) posted this on Friday, 1st November 2002, 18:27

Neiliboy- Apart from the occasional motion artefact (particularly the famous `halo` effect) the picture is pretty much perfect. You won`t miss prog scan because you`d need a PS-capable DVD player to use that feature anyway. Some people don`t like the fact that P+ processing effectively removes the gaps between frames which (in their opinion) detracts from the `filmlike` presentation of movies. When (or if) the majority of movies are filmed digitally, that argument will go out the window anyway...
Paul- Thanks for clearing that up!. Don`t worry about the NTSC options though as like I said, the `Progressive scan` option is BOTH P+ and DoubleLines at the same time- you`re not missing out on anything!.

RE: Philips Pixel Plus 32PW9527 - Help Needed!!!

Tony Vado (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 2nd November 2002, 18:20

Whoops, my turn to make a mistake!... I meant the `Pixel Plus` mode in NTSC is the equivalent of DoubleLines (I`m sure you get the idea anyway). Another thing that potential buyers should really be aware of is the fact that PAL P+ is only 75Hz, so although it`s supposedly a 100Hz set, the main picture mode certainly isn`t...
Yawnworthy technical notes aside though, I don`t have any real criticism of the set other than the halo/heat-haze effect which occurs with certain types of motion (e.g around people as the camera pans). I`d recommend you demo one yourself before parting with cash, or failing that you should order from somewhere with good after-sales service so you can swap it if you need to. Personally, I love P+ sets and would readily recommend them to anyone, but some people can`t accept the (slight) drawbacks...

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