Page 1 of The Continuing Saga of SCAN in 64 million Episodes

Hardware Forum

The Continuing Saga of SCAN in 64 million Episodes

pedro (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 2nd December 2000, 13:00

Thanks to one and all for all the feedback about the scan feel its a bit to iffy. OK ! I did get some good reports about it , but most seemed bad. Had a good hard think about it whilst sitting ( thats right ! sitting ) on the bog, and wondered if I should either try the Aiwa xd - dv 370 or the LG 3350 . I know comet sell the Aiwa on there web site but its a different model no: Aiwa xr - dv370kn ? is this the same ?. The only reason I would buy one from Comet is that its near enough to me ( 60 miles away, I do live in the far north of Scotland ) that i can take it back if there are any probs without having to pay huge postal costs to send a player back to England. Any body out there who could tell me if i can get a LG 3350 for £200 or under inc. postage ? thats my budget !
Of course if the new batch of scan machines are perfecto and somebody could convince me they are, Scan maybe ? i might still be interested. So what do you think of my choices ? got any better ideas , all info gratefuly recieved and digested ( oh god ! here i go again back to the loo ) .Thanks , Pedro.
PS will be buying a player next weekend , still got time to convince me of the right one.

This item was edited on Saturday, 2nd December 2000, 13:45

RE: The Continuing Saga of SCAN in 64 million Episodes

steve7228 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 2nd December 2000, 15:43

Pedro most places are out of stock on the LG3350, but they are a grand player so if you are prepared to wait a week or so then may be worth a look, they r knocking them out for £189 delivered that cant be bad can it.

LG3350 Rocks Big Time!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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