Page 1 of Dansai 1010 from Tesco

Hardware Forum

Dansai 1010 from Tesco

Postcards (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 18th July 2002, 23:20

I bought one of these DVD players from Tescos ... discovered that it would not play VCDs or SVCDs ... and immediately returned it for a refund.

Out of interest, I e-mailed Tesco`s customer services. To quote "How come the latest batch of this DVD player cannot play VCDs or SVCDs? Did Tesco specifically have it removed?"

They replied, saying "The supplier, without our knowledge, changed the specification, we have however got NESN to carry a stock of CD`s which customers can obtain from them free of charge which will provide an automatic update once played in the unit. NESN Helpline Tel: 0845 601 2549 Hope this information helps"

If anyone has bought one and not yet returned theirs for a refund, perhaps they could try this CD and see if it cures the problem.

RE: Dansai 1010 from Tesco

Clos (Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 31st July 2002, 15:50

Tesco`s sent me the firmware update disc today and now my 1010 plays VCDs- no plroblem.

RE: Dansai 1010 from Tesco

Fozzy_Bear (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 31st July 2002, 22:41

how long did it take the disk to arrive

because i`m thinking of getting one of these

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