Page 1 of what is cheapest dvd player that i can remote hack to play rc regeon1 dvd`s

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what is cheapest dvd player that i can remote hack to play rc regeon1 dvd`s

dealreal2 (Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 23rd June 2002, 21:25

hi i want to buy a new dvd play but ont know what 1 any sugestions must be cheap i poor but must play rce disks t

thanx in avance:)

RE: what is cheapest dvd player that i can remote hack to play rc regeon1 dvd`s

biteman (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 23rd June 2002, 22:21

Dansai 1010 from tesco for £85
Can be hacked and can be tricked into playing rce discs (look for posting by pele)

RE: what is cheapest dvd player that i can remote hack to play rc regeon1 dvd`s

Weatherman (Harmless) posted this on Monday, 24th June 2002, 02:11

Grundig 210a is available from Dixons at £59.97, there`s a hack available at


RE: what is cheapest dvd player that i can remote hack to play rc regeon1 dvd`s

macbeth (Competent) posted this on Monday, 24th June 2002, 23:37

Never mind cheap, go for quality! Richer sounds are doing the Tosh 110 for £99.95 multi region. I bought a Reoc A5 as recommended on this site from Safeways, it was crap fortunatley they gave me my money back. Incidently I am a serious quality guru the rest of my system adds up to £20K, but the Tosh fits in well and does the biz.

RE: what is cheapest dvd player that i can remote hack to play rc regeon1 dvd`s

Weatherman (Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 25th June 2002, 01:29

Tosh is a good choice if you can afford it, and aren`t bothered about compatibility with CDR, VCD etc Double-check the RCE status first though!


RE: what is cheapest dvd player that i can remote hack to play rc regeon1 dvd`s

sj (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 25th June 2002, 07:38

Yelo 800. Multi-region out of box. Macro-free.
vcs, svcd, mp3, cd-r, cd, cd-rw etc. also dvd....


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