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Info on hacks for US players?

aromal (Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 13th June 2000, 21:37


I have a Panasonic C220 5 disc region 1 coded player that I would love to play other region-coded discs on. Could some kind soul point me out to the appropriate sources for the US? I am envious of the choices available at the UK in this regard.

Thanks in advance.


RE: Info on hacks for US players?

RJS (undefined) posted this on Wednesday, 14th June 2000, 00:21

As a general rule, Sonys, Panasonics and Pioneers have absolutely no remote hacks for them. However you may be able to get them chipped in the US, where I wouldn`t dare to hazard a guess as your country has some unusual laws which may apply.

RE: Info on hacks for US players?

PacoPerez (Harmless) posted this on Friday, 21st July 2000, 17:08

Sorry to contradict my friend above, but there are remote hacks for the Pioneer. The dv 525 is totally remote crackable. Just turn the machine w/o a DVD and play set up, press right key until general is displayed, press down arrow once, press select, press condition memory, and enter the region you want. PRESTO. That is all.

RE: Info on hacks for US players?

RJS (undefined) posted this on Saturday, 22nd July 2000, 12:31

Sorry to contradict my friend above too, but this is how you change regions on a Pioneer which has already been chipped. It is very similar to the procedure used to change regions on my Pioneer 505 which also has been fixed using the blob-of-solder-technique. ;-)

There seems to be equal confusion over the LG models at the moment, since some people who obtain them from Richer Sounds can change regions using a method listed elsewhere on the forums, but everyone else cannot. Presumably this is because Richer Sounds are buying pre-chipped models.

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