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Help required with a few Richer Sounds Products - Please :-)

creative (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 10th January 2002, 21:47

Ok i want to upgrade my DVD player to a cheap one that plays anything, is good quality and macrovision free/multiregion. I have the choice of these so which gives me all these features ?:

under £120:

Acoustic Solutions DVD521
Limit DVD8080SE (Multi-Region)
Cyberhome ADL528 (Multi-Region)
LG DVD4210 (Multi-region)
Acoustic Solutions DVD551 (Multi Region)
Cyberhome ADM512

Thankyou for your help..

RE: Help required with a few Richer Sounds Products - Please :-)

Steve Clark (Competent) posted this on Friday, 11th January 2002, 08:15

They should all do region free if they are being sold as such.

The Cyberhome 512 does macrovision disable, but mine went wrong and stopped recognising discs. That was replaced by a Limit 8080SE which I thought had a slightly better picture despite being composite only, but no macro. It played some VCDs I made on CDR and CDRW. That died recently and I`m now on my second AS551 which also has no macro, but is otherwise a nice player. I haven`t tried VCDs, but it claims it handles them on the box including CDR/RW.

I`ve persisted with Richer Sounds and they have replaced my player each time without hassle. I took the 3 year warranty option, so they`re stuck with me ;-)


RE: Help required with a few Richer Sounds Products - Please :-)

dildano (Harmless) posted this on Friday, 8th February 2002, 14:21

Forget em - get the Dansai 852 from Tesco`s, superb, software macro disable, the lot for under £100.

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