Page 1 of Is there a region hack for LG HT552TH?

Hack Help Forum

Is there a region hack for LG HT552TH?

OBzilla! (Competent) posted this on Friday, 21st March 2008, 13:20

pretty much as the title says, seen this player looks quite good and cheap but need to know if it will play my collection,

RE: Is there a region hack for LG HT552TH?

OBzilla! (Competent) posted this on Friday, 21st March 2008, 13:43

oh and it will help my decision to buy if there is or isnt a hack for the philips HTS3357

thanks in advance!

RE: Is there a region hack for LG HT552TH?

kevin ong (Harmless) posted this on Monday, 7th July 2008, 17:15

lg hts or dvd player to be multi coded.
press pause then 314159 some words will appear, then press 0 then enter and pause again.

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