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Hack Help Forum

HELP NEEDED - DVD player with easily findable multi-region hack

maportable (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 14th October 2007, 16:07

Hi there

I`ve bought a HD television recently and would like to upgrade to a better DVD player. The cheap one I have now has just conked out. What I`m looking for is a good quality player which I can easily find a hack for. I have loads of region 1 and 4 DVDs, so will be gutted if I can`t play them. Does anyone have any suggestions?


RE: HELP NEEDED - DVD player with easily findable multi-region hack

Brian Elliott (Reviewer) posted this on Sunday, 14th October 2007, 16:34

Some of the guys here will be able to help you more effectively if you let us know which features are essential to your purchase (DivX playback, for example), and your price range.

And maybe someone will move this to the Hardware forum, too. ;)

Brian Elliott is the Sports Editor for multi-faceted rock music magazine Zodiac Lung, and is a regular contributor to DVD Reviewer and SLAM! Wrestling.

Please visit my website!

RE: HELP NEEDED - DVD player with easily findable multi-region hack

maportable (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 14th October 2007, 17:54

Thanks, Brian.
I`m not all that bothered about DivX playback. What I do want is a player that offers really good sound quality - I quite often use headphones - and, as I said before, one that`s easy to find the hack for so I can watch region 1 DVDs. As for price range, around 200 pounds was what I had in mind, but could be persuaded to part with a bit more.
As I`ve bought a HD TV, I`d like to go for a HD DVD player as well. That`d be the logical thing to do, wouldn`t it? I read somewhere that the Toshiba HD players that are often discussed elsewhere on this site don`t have a pause option, so if you stop a film, you have to go right back to the beginning to resume viewing. Surely this can`t be right? If it is true, this definitely wouldn`t be the machine for me.
I`ll put this question in the hardware forum, too, as you suggest :)

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