Info and forum posts by 'maportable'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Sunday, 18th March 2007, 16:02, Last used: Thursday, 24th April 2008, 08:01

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

About this user: This user has chosen not to submit a description :(

This user has posted a total of 33 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0.01 messages a day, or 0.04 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Powell and Pressburger Collection - 9 DVDs - £9.99

Great find. Thanks. Have just placed my order. :)

Frost down again

Seasons 6-12 now even cheaper - down to 14.99! Great bargain.

RE: A Touch of Frost 6-12 14 Discs £17.99

Great bargain. Ordered yesterday and is already on its way. Be great if series 1-5 turn up now at the same price. :)

RE: The Claude Chabrol Collection - Vol. 2 £6.97

Great deal. Many thanks,. Ordered this yesterday. :)

RE: HELP NEEDED - DVD player with easily findable multi-region hack

Thanks, Brian.
I`m not all that bothered about DivX playback. What I do want is a player that offers really good sound quality - I quite often use headphones - and, as I said before, one that`s easy to find the hack for so I can watch region 1 DVDs. As for price range, around 200 pounds was what I had in mind, but could be persuaded to part with a bit more.
As I`ve bought a HD TV, I`d like to go for a HD DVD player as well. That`d be the logical thing to do, wouldn`t it? I read somewhere that the Toshiba HD players that are often discussed elsewhere on this site don`t have a pause option, so if you stop a film, you have to go right back to the beginning to resume viewing. Surely this can`t be right? If it is true, this definitely wouldn`t be the machine for me.
I`ll put this question in the hardware forum, too, as you suggest :)

HELP NEEDED - DVD player with easily findable multi-region hack

Hi there

I`ve bought a HD television recently and would like to upgrade to a better DVD player. The cheap one I have now has just conked out. What I`m looking for is a good quality player which I can easily find a hack for. I have loads of region 1 and 4 DVDs, so will be gutted if I can`t play them. Does anyone have any suggestions?


RE: HD DVD Player Toshiba HD-E1 £179.99 Delivered !!!

Thanks, Mike. Could you give me the address for the HCC website, please? I did a search on google, but couldn`t find it.
Cheers :)

RE: HD DVD Player Toshiba HD-E1 £179.99 Delivered !!!

Ah, thanks for that!
But do you know if there`s a hack for the EP30?

Advice needed

Hi there,

I wonder if anyone can help me with this:

I`ve upgraded to a HD TV and would also like to get a new DVD player as well.
The one I have now is very basic and I`d like to get something better - not a recorder, though - just a player. As I have a large collection of R1 DVDs and a few R4 as well, I need to get a player that can easily be made into a multi-region player.
Any ideas anyone?
I was thinking about one of the Toshiba HD players, but unfortunately there doesn`t seem to be a hack for them.

Many thanks

RE: HD DVD Player Toshiba HD-E1 £179.99 Delivered !!!

Hi Gerald

Any idea if there`s a hack to make this player multi-region?
I`ve read some comments about this elsewhere but they seem a bit contradictory.
I was wondering if you (or anybody else) know?
This is a great price for a fantastic machine.
As I have a lot of region 1 DVDs, I`m reluctant to buy until I`m really sure about this.

Thanks :)

RE: Multi-region code for Toshiba HD-E1

Many thanks. :)

Thanks, filmgirl20.
I`m still a bit confused because the 1st person seemed positive that you can make this player multi-region, whereas the other two say the opposite.
I wonder if anyone else knows anything about it...


This item was edited on Tuesday, 9th October 2007, 11:02

Multi-region code for Toshiba HD-E1

I would love to get this player after reading some excellent reviews. They`re selling it at a knockdown price on at the moment and several people have already left comments about it. The only bugbear is that I have loads of region 1 (and some region 4) DVDs and, according to an earlier thread on this messageboard there isn`t a hack - as yet - for this machine.
Does anyone know if one`s been found yet? I`d be very grateful for any information.

maportable :)

Amazon offer

A brilliant 4 for 3 offer on amazon at the moment. You can get, for example, the 4-disc edition of Gone With The Wind for 4.97, the 4-disc ed. of Ben Hur for the same price as well as the 3-disc ed. of The Wizard of Oz and, on top of that, you can get an extra one of the same or lower price free. :)
How can you go wrong with an offer like that?

Las Vegas!

Seasons 1 and 2 of Las Vegas for only 5.99 each - that`s only a pound per disc and a massive 83% saving from 8)

RE: Is there a Region Hack for the Toshiba SD270E?

Hi there

I now have the hack for this. If you still need it, let me know your e-mail address and I`ll send it to you.

maportable :)

RE: £5 off £50 spend @

Thanks. I used this yesterday. I was thinking of making a big-ish purchase anyway, so it came in very handy.
Cheers. :)

RE: Is there a Region Hack for the Toshiba SD270E?

I`ve seen this advertised as a multi-region player too, but I can`t play any of my region 1 DVDs on mine. If I get any more info. I`ll let you know. Will you do the same?


Hack needed for Toshiba SD-270E

Hi there,

Does anyone know of a hack for the Toshiba SD-270E? I have loads of region 1 DVDs that I can`t watch on this!

Many thanks

This item was edited on Sunday, 13th May 2007, 11:08

Hack for Toshiba SD-270E

Hi there

I`m trying to find a hack for a Toshiba SD-270E.
Does anyone know of one?
I`d be very grateful.

Closed captions - help

I have some region 1 DVDs with closed captions. Does anyone know how I can get to see the captions on my TV, or is it only possible to use this function in the States?

Thanks for your help. :)

Hack required for Sony DVP-NS 705 V

Hi there

I`d be very grateful if someone could pass on the hack for the Sony DVP-NS 705V.

Thanks in advance.

RE: Region Hack For Sanyo DVD SL-40

Hi there

Try ojertgaj[at]se.oohay or 93apam[at].moc.oohay


This item was edited on Sunday, 29th April 2007, 18:04

RE: Region Hack For Sanyo DVD SL-40

Hi there

I notice you requested this region hack a few months ago. I`m looking for the same one. I`ve heard it comes as a file that you then have to burn onto a CD. If you managed to get it in the end and don`t mind passing it on, I would be very grateful.

My e.mail address is 93apam[at]ku.oc.oohay

Film Musicals Collection 6 CD boxset for only 4.99 from Play!

The set includes:
The Great Caruso
Calamity Jane
Seven Brides for Seven Brothers
The Glenn Miller Story
Wizard of Oz
Singing in the Rain

This is a great bargain. If you buy them individually, they cost about 3.99 each. For just an extra quid, you can have a set of six. They make a great present.

Codebreaker for Sanyo SL-40

Hi there,

If anyone knows how to make the Sanyo SL-40 codefree, I would be really grateful.

Thanks in advance


RE: Hack for LG DP181

Thanks, this one did the trick.
Nice one!

RE: LG DVD hacks

Thanks a million for this.
I`ve just successfully hacked into my LG player and can now watch my region 1 DVDs.
Cheers mate!

RE: Hack for LG DP181

Hi there,

Thanks, I`d already tried this one and it just doesn`t work. Must have tried it about 40 times now! :(
Thanks, anyway. Will look round to see if there`s another one.

RE: multi region hack for LG DV2000ST

Hi there

I wonder if this hack might work for the LG DP181 portable player?
Please let me know if you think it will,



Hack for LG DP181

Hi there,

Does anybody have a hack for the LG DP181 portable model? Half of my DVDs are region 1 and I can only play region 2s at the moment . Would be very grateful if anyone can help me with this.