Page 1 of How Do I Disable Macrovision On The Classic 102 DVD Player From Toys R Us

Hack Help Forum

How Do I Disable Macrovision On The Classic 102 DVD Player From Toys R Us

EN!G/\/\@ (Harmless) posted this on Monday, 17th December 2001, 00:10

Need Help On Disabeling the Macrovision On The Classic 102
Bought From Toys R Us

Please HELP!!!!!!!!!1

B4 I Go Mad

This item was edited on Monday, 17th December 2001, 00:12

RE: How Do I Disable Macrovision On The Classic 102 DVD Player From Toys R Us

billnes (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 3rd January 2002, 21:27

Enter the setup menu.

Go to the front face and press:

This may not work on newer 102`s. My understanding is that the factory in China got wise tat people found their backdoor. Therefore, they took it out.

Hope this helps,
"The Colonel"

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