Page 1 of wharfedale 750/750s

Hack Help Forum

wharfedale 750/750s

Mark79 (Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 26th October 2000, 21:07

What is the difference between the 750 and the 750s?

When watching Fight club region 1 using a crack for the player, i got faint horizontal black lines running down the screen every now and again. How do i correct this?

RE: wharfedale 750/750s

Brett_London (Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 29th October 2000, 21:17

I have the same problem - from reading these pages I think its a batch of 750 that has this particular problem. I first noticed it in Fight Club but it happens on all my R1 discs - every now and again you see a dark black bar flicker across the screen. I got my player in June and I`m going to try and get Tesco`s to replace it with a 750s or a different player - it bugs me so much when watching a R1 that I`ve not bought any more.


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