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Samsung M105 CDR ? Can it be done.

presa (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 7th October 2001, 12:26

Can anyone tell me if this player can some how be converted to play CDR.I have seen conflicting info Argos say on there site it is all singing all dancing CDR,CDRW & MP3. I have managed to get it to play all regions but it will not read CDR.I would be pleased for any info thanks in advance.Best regards Presa.

RE: Samsung M105 CDR ? Can it be done.

Mike G (Elite) posted this on Monday, 8th October 2001, 09:02

The M105, in general, will *not* read CD-Rs - Argos have misled you. If you bought it on the basis of this false information you should send it back for a refund.

The CD-R incompatibility is a limitation of the DVD pickup and can`t be cured (short of replacing the entire laser mechanism). However, there are a few brands of CD-R and CD-RW that might be *just* within tolerance for this player - Princo brand CD-Rs, in particular, are worth experimenting with.


RE: Samsung M105 CDR ? Can it be done.

dohert (Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 13th October 2001, 10:08

one brand of CDR wil work on all DVD players. they are made by DatasafeMedia. I have tried these discs on five different DVD players and they have worked on all of them.

RE: Samsung M105 CDR ? Can it be done.

Darren Allen (Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 4th November 2001, 18:13

I have been to our local computer fair today and there were loads of disks by DataSafe Media. Is there any specific ones to use. I ask this as i bought some 80 minute ones which say on them "" These do not appear to work on my 105.
There were some others that had in big letters Data Safe Media printed on them, which the assistant said were Audio cds only. Any suggestions would be grateful!!!

RE: Samsung M105 CDR ? Can it be done.

3dcandy (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 6th November 2001, 08:18

Had good results with Argos Vivastar CD-R`s....
Give them a go!

RE: Samsung M105 CDR ? Can it be done.

presa (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 8th November 2001, 14:10

Thanks for all the replies I will try the different media when I get a chance.

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