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help me please peeps, cheat for dvd Proline 2000 needed

mattukbloke (Harmless) posted this on Monday, 24th September 2001, 23:57

i have a proline 2000 dvd player and i want to be able to play multi region discs, i have tried the cheat that dvd reviewer suggests but this plays them in black and white only, any help gratefully received

RE: help me please peeps, cheat for dvd Proline 2000 needed

woody1 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 26th September 2001, 22:13

Hi, I don`t know that much about these things but from what I have been able to learn so far this has something to do with the region 1 dvd`s using the NTSC tv system and the UK using PAL tv`s.

I understand that if you have an older tv it may not be able to handle the NTSC signal and so produces black & white only, also there may be a switch on the dvd player, or a set-up menu option, to select NTSC or PAL.
I believe I also read somewhere that if you use a Scart connection the RGB output overcomes this, but I`m not 100% on that!
As I am pretty new to all this myself, I can only advise you to browse through some of the other postings on these forums for any similar problems where you may find the right solution.

Perhaps someone else with more experience/knowledge (blimey that shouldn`t be too difficult) can put us both right on this!

Good luck anyway.

PS - I just found this which may help, go to the Hardware forum on this site and scroll down to the thread about "TV and NTSC compatability problems" there are several replies regarding this problem, hope they can help you.

This item was edited on Wednesday, 26th September 2001, 22:37

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