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Hack Help Forum

Samsung 709 Firmware

spenny (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 19th August 2001, 15:47


I`m looking for a firmware upgrade for my 709, i`ve been to the 709online forum and e-mailed a guy, no reply yet! I wondered if anyone had an e-mail address or a URL of someone/where who can provide me with one.



RE: Samsung 709 Firmware

Spiny Norman (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 19th August 2001, 18:02

try this one:-


Have just received a reply saying that cost is £15.00 + 90p shipping. Uses an online payment system (nochex)if you have a debit card else you`ll have to wait for cheque/money order to clear. Orders must be done by 31st August, cos he has another project that takes precidence over stuffin` envelopes with PROMs. If you don`t make the deadline, then you`ll need to wait `till October.

Me, I`m going for it!


RE: Samsung 709 Firmware

spenny (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Monday, 20th August 2001, 00:36


Just had a e-mail from Andy, going ahead with upgrade asap, to meet deadline!


RE: Samsung 709 Firmware

RC (Harmless) posted this on Monday, 20th August 2001, 07:32

RE: Samsung 709 Firmware

robinsh (Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 23rd August 2001, 03:49

do you know if the samsung M105 sold in the USA is hackable?

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