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Multi region info for the toshiba SD63HK

Mojo risin (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 19th July 2005, 22:29

I know that most toshiba players cannot be remote hacked (before i get told off!), but im just after some info on where i can get/buy/hire a mod solution , i have trawled about every single forum and site to no avail , even richer sounds dont sell the player as region free , but RGB direct do (problem is they were almost twice the price!, but it means it is possible).
Cheers for any help

RE: Multi region info for the toshiba SD63HK

regionfreee (Harmless) posted this on Monday, 26th September 2005, 20:09

This is a serious problem - I have just bought one of these from eBuyer, and after searching through about fifty forums and websites, it seems like there is NO region-free / multiregion hack for the Toshiba SD-63HK. There is one company "RGB Electronics" who say they can do it but they say it will cost "£40 to £50" - since you can buy a new player for £20 from eBuyer, there is not much point in paying so much just for a hack.

I REALLY want to make my SD63 region-free, but it is now looking to be impossible. I tried Toshiba Tech Support but they just said "no way, we can`t do that". As if every other Toshiba player does not have their own hacks published on the web.

This evening I printed out about ten hacks from all the other Toshiba models, and tried them out - but still no joy.

Does anyone know how to get make the Toshiba SD-63 (SD-63HK) region-free? I see it is for sale all over the world (Russia, Korea asd well as the UK), so it must be possible.

Please please please?? :D :D :D

RE: Multi region info for the toshiba SD63HK

nice1 (Elite) posted this on Monday, 26th September 2005, 22:44

I have just bought one of these from eBuyer

So why didn`t you buy a multi-region machine then if that is what you wanted?
As it has said at the top of the Hacks Forum page and many many posts on here for yonks....Toshibas can not be hacked.

RE: Multi region info for the toshiba SD63HK

Mojo risin (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 27th September 2005, 12:16

There are a lot of Toshiba players that can be hacked , i have done a few myself, granted some are not as straight forward as many other players but most can be done. So the statement at the top of the forum is not strictly true.

Anyways........., The 63HK can be done but its a software disk and apparently a switch has to turned on or off inside the unit , I rang RGB and they told me it would be 40 quid, i wanted to have a look round to see if i could locate the software on the net but alas no joy!, so i guess i might have to shell out , no probs though cos the 63HK is a spankin` unit, i was given a hack that i tried but to no avail, worth a shot on yours though:

Open tray
Press setup
Press 1 9 9
Select multi region

If above doesn`t work
Press 7 6
Press select
Highlight region option
Select 0 for multi region
There may be a following page that enables you to turn the macro off but this doesnt hold after power off
Press setup

RE: Multi region info for the toshiba SD63HK

regionfreee (Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 29th September 2005, 22:21

Yep thanks for that Mojo r, I tried those hacks but sadly no luck. I have to agree that it is a stonking piece of kit, though. When I saw how tiny the speakers were I was a bit worried, but ohhh wow what INCREDIBLE sound that box has.

I`m sure that the hack will surface sooner or later. One thing I noticed when I trawled through the many, many hacks out there (including yes shock horror a great many Toshiba hacks, need I say more for the benefit of the previous poster), I realised that the SD-63HK is a relatively new machine, so the hack has probably just not been dug out yet. After all, if RGB can do it for a fee, then it is do-able, it`s just a matter of finding out what they know that the others don`t.

I had an interesting chat with a bloke at one of the commercial mult-region companies. They did not have a hack but we thought that maybe RGB were using a disk hack for a similar model. He offered me one of these if I wanted to try, but I can`t bring myself to risk my shiny new Home Cinema with an untried hack. Well not yet, anyway.

As far as the internal switch goes, I have a fair bit of electronic experience and I will have a good look inside for any DIP switches or anything like that. Then I will try all the known Toshiba handset hacks again ... watch this space.

I see the player is on sale in Russia and Korea, and they ain`t region two, so there HAS to be a way of setting the region.

RE: Multi region info for the toshiba SD63HK

Mojo risin (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 30th September 2005, 15:57

Alright mate,
The disk the chap was on about is probably the disk that was written for sd220 it does work on loads of the sd models but not on sd63hk , i know cos i tried, but there again i havent had a look at the combination of the disk with the internal switch , thats got me thinking!, i`ll have a look inside and try my disk again , i`ll let you know the results!

RE: Multi region info for the toshiba SD63HK

regionfreee (Harmless) posted this on Monday, 3rd October 2005, 21:02

I had the cover off of my SD-63HK this evening and had a good look inside. I discovered some interesting things: 1. The PCB has a silk-screened set of boxes on it painted on. These are numbered 1..2..3..4..5 to represent the DVD regions. Mine is region 2 so it has a splodge of red paint in the "2" box. This means that Toshiba have actually made it part of their manufacturing process to mark the PCB (printed-circuit-board) as working with a specific region.

This is not good - it looks like they have not gone for the handset hack / pop-in-the-numbers -using-the-remote type of approach. I can`t say this for sure, but I have tried ebery UK comapny I know and none of them can hack my SD-63HK to be region free except for RGB who want £40- £50 as you know.

There was a space on the board for a connector that might have been a jumper for the region but without knowing for sure??? Also there was a large metal shield with a "2" stamped into it. This was soldered down securely so it could not be removed (does it hide or cover some kind of region selection jumper or solder pads?) - unlikely because shielding like ths is usually for protecting delicate circuitry from RF interference.

But I have another plan to get the handset hack - I truly believe there IS one, in spite of everything ... watch this space. I can`#t say what it is yet.

RE: Multi region info for the toshiba SD63HK

paulbianco (Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 26th October 2005, 23:38

Hi !

I found this company that will hack the unit for 25+10(shipping):

Leading Edge Concepts Ltd.
call 0870 8000 555


RE: Multi region info for the toshiba SD63HK

richest (Harmless) posted this on Friday, 2nd December 2005, 13:21

Hi, i am a newbie, and found this crack for the tosh 330e, would it work on the 63hk?

see here;

Hi KenBones,

After a while searching I found this which I will try tonight! After reading a lot of posts, It is for 220 but works for 330.

Good Luck


download the toshiba firmware upgrade from here.
its a .zip file so use a program called winzip or winrar to unzip it.
get a program called Nero burning ROM.
Start Nero Burning ROM, click File, click Burn Image..., select the .cue file, click open, disable `Determine maximum speed` and `Simulation`, at write method select Disc-at-once (this is very important), click write.
make sure u have a blank disk in the drive to write to.

once this is done,
- Push setup on the SD220e remote control, select under picture:
PAL/Auto: Auto. Push setup again.
- Open your SD220e disc tray and insert the CD.
- Close the disc tray.
- The disc will be read and recognised as a VCD, you`ll see the image on
your television flash and after a short while you will not see any image
at all. Wait about 10 seconds and take out the CD.
- Your player is now region free.
Hope this helps.

IT DID WORK FOR THE 330E, maybe it could on the 63hk

RE: Multi region info for the toshiba SD63HK

nel (Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 12th June 2007, 11:56

Hi mate did you ever find a crack for the toshiba sd63hk?
im after it if you did
cheers nel

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